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Hergenrother again!

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Ok, joining the comet Hergenrother bandwagon! After an imaging run on Friday night I decided to have a look. This is 18 x 90s exposures, taken over about an hour, processed as an animation in PS. No calibration at all, just a curves and levels boost (as an action with batch processing - scary new skill). Thanks for looking.


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Now thats a comet. Is it naked eye bright yet?

Not even close, I'm afraid. I've not had the opportunity to look at it over a sequence of days, but a few people have reported that they believe it to be dimming at the moment. Doesn't stop it brightening again later, I guess.


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S@N were suggesting around 10, I believe, but some have suggested that it's been even brighter than that.

Nick Howes (NickH of this parish) et al in the blog "http://remanzacco.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/follow-up-on-168phergenrother-bright.html"

said reports of mag8 but gave no source(s), the followwing night to that post I could get it no brighter than 9.1 or 9.2 :(

quote :

According to reports issued by a number of observers to several astro-forums, comet 168P/Hergenrother is currently experiencing a bright phase: over the course of several nights, it increased in brightness by several magnitudes, reaching a total visual magnitude of approximately 8.


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