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Carton 60mm f/16.7 Refractor & Mount

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Carton 60mm f/16.7 Refractor & Mount

While it seems that most of the scopes on eBay are rubbish, occasionally some real gems do show up. This Carton 60mm f/16.7 (branded Hilkin for the UK market) is a case in point. The seller didn't do himself any favours as he didn't take any photos of the scope set up, just ones of it in the box. Most people probably didn't bother to take a closer look. Their loss as Carton produced some great Japanese optics.

So I purchased the scope for a mere £59.00 plus postage. What a steal. It came complete with the EQ mount, the original packaging, manual and accessories including the barlow, erecting prism, sun projection bits and the .965" H 6mm H 12.5mm, H 20mm eyepieces. Thanks to the SGL member who gave a heads up about the scope. :icon_salut:

When I opened the box my first impression was that this scope hadn't ever been used. Well once it was set-up there were some very slight signs of use if you looked carefully, but it really did look like a new scope. The objective looks perfect as well, not the slightest mark. The seller had said it had spent most of it's life packed away and unused...he wasn't kidding!!! I have made a couple of changes. Fitted a 1.25" adaptor to the drawtube and also a pair of brass focus knobs and an RA finder. The focuser feels smoother and more precise with the new knobs, not that it was bad in the first place though. I'm also using the EQ mount as an Alt-Az as this scope will be used as a very light grab'n'go set-up.

The optics are super sharp giving pin-point star images as well as great planetary/lunar views. Was surprised by the views of the Pleiades as I didn't expect views this good from a mere 60mm aperture. And at f/16.7 CA just doesn't exist. I can't believe what condition this scope is in and that I actually got my hands on it.



Yes I definitely don't need another scope. But at that price !!! :grin:

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Interesting that you bought that scope John - it looks a beauty and I have been wondering where it's gone !

I thought very long and hard about that one, asked Q's of the seller and of the folks on the Carton Yahoo group to confirm it was indeed a Carton-made scope. Why I did not click "buy" is beyond me having seen your pics of it !

Congratualtions - I'm filled with curiosity on what the views will be like :smiley:

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I've been very impressed with the views so far. I used to have a WO ZS66 and the Carton is noticeably sharper with better contrast.

I thought about it for a few days before buying it but then decided for that price it's not risking much. Definitely my best eBay purchase. :grin: Wonder what would have happened if the seller had taken some proper pics of the scope set up as per my photos?

BTW found a little Carton logo (diamond with C O C in the middle) on the bottom of the focuser.


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John, that's a beauty! :laugh:

You must be chuffed to bits with that scope..it really looks like new. I love the eq mount, looks very unusual but high quality.

I had a Lumex 60mm COC F15 for a while, and in fact I've now got an old Lumex 60mm F15 mounted atop my Lyra F11 refractor..it doesn't have COC on it and the focuser is cheapish but I'm pretty sure the lens is a Carton..great, sharp stellar images with tight airy disks and great contrast.

Look forward to a detailed first light report!


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Lovely scope John, nice mount

Dave, are you referring to the one you sold me? Lovely little scope, must use it more. Have found some rings so I can stick it on the Giro II, bit more stable at higher mags then


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Nice find John

It's interesting that your scope is a Carton branded as a Hilkin as I have a Hilkin 50mm F14 and Hilkin 60 F13 that look like Swifts.

I also have a Greenkat 60mm F15 which looks identical to my Hilkins. I bought this scope with EQ mount, Eyepieces etc in a wooden box for £18 on ebay.

The optics on all three scopes are very good.


Hilkin 50mm F13 on Eq mount

Greenkat 60mm F15 on Altizmuth mount that came with the Hilkin 60mm F13



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Hi Stu,

That's the one I think :laugh: ..if you look underneath the focuser it should have COC letters (Carton Optical Company).

If I'd had it now I'd have kept it as my "super finder" - the mount was wobbly but the OTA was great, just needed a stable mount. Very good on double stars with a decent eyepiece (1.25" barrel) such as a Baader Ortho type..



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That's the one Dave. I tried, and failed to find any reasonably priced rings for it, in the end I used some guide scope rings I had already. It ain't pretty but it's much more stable on the Giro mount. I've got a hybrid diagonal to take 1.25" ep's and the 9mm BGO works nicely as a higher power in it.

What sort of power do you normally use in these scopes as a maximum?



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..........................What sort of power do you normally use in these scopes as a maximum?


With my Carton 60/1000, I find it can easily take somewhere in the 160's for planets, moon etc.

I usually use my Speers 5-8mm zoom, so can vary between 125x and 200x.

On nights of iffy seeing, this is the scope I pick up. The small aperture just seems to be able to cut through the turbulance, unlike the mush in anything larger.

Possibly my best ever purchase and that's saying a lot.


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Hi Stu

I'd agree with Andy, you should be able to go to 150x to 200x on a good night, on doubles and Moon, planets etc.

I had a look through mine last night with an Ultrascopic (same as Ultima/Parks Gold) 7.5mm at 120x on the Lyra double double and MIzar and it was just lovely to see. Mind you, the Lyra F11 it was sitting on was a whole lot brighter image!

They are great little scopes and remind me so much of my first scopes (Prinz 60mm 440 F15). It was/is amazing what you can see with them.

Interestingly, I couldn't see Vega's 10th Mag optical double companion with it, whereas it was easy in direct vision in the Lyra...mind you, the moon was quite bright..I reckon I might glimpse it in dark skies. Polaris' companion is another target worth looking for with a 60mm..



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Thanks Dave, very interesting. The BGO's should be ideal. I've really not used it enough, certainly not under good conditions so will make sure I do soon. Not sure I can squeeze it in the car for PSP now that I'm bringing the SX250 :o


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nice find john, these are excellent scopes and at that fl should be virtually ca free. my best ebay buy was a towa 339 for about the same money, except i had to collect. its nice to know these scopes still crop up occassionally


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Yes, Vega has a wide optical companion, just a line of sight double, but quite a good test as Vega is so overpoweringly bright. Distance is about one arc minute so quite wide, but still not easy. See this link for an interesting discussion on the object...I think a lot of people have never seen/noticed/looked for it. I could see it easily in my 4" F11 Lyra so most members here should be able to see it too..




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