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Anyone know what I just saw?


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Hi all,

Just been out for a walk and observed what I though was the International Space Station. Very bright (poss - 2 ish), appeared low in the west at 7.30 pm rose overhead and then started to dim as it moved towards horizon. No red or green flashing lights and no aircraft noise. Definitely had a shape (my wife thought triangular, I though more square). Got home and viewed ISS transit times for my location and no transit anywhere near this time. No other satellites seemed to fit the bill. Anyone got any ideas which satellite I saw??

I live in manningtree in Essex near Colchester.

Now I hesitate to mention this part lest you think me an idiot, but as it moved towards the horizon it began 'pulsing' at around one second intervals. As an astronomer with 30 years' experience I have witnessed numerous 'tumbling' satellites but this was not like that at all. I'm not suggesting anything wierd, Just curious to know what It was !!!

Any help appreciated.

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Genesis 2 went over there at about 7:55, according to Stellarium. Can't see any others. Wouldn't have thought it was mag2 though.

Could the pulsing be the object moving behind narrow parallel lines of clouds. I've seen several such cloud patterns in the sky recently. Is it called a mackerel sky?

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes the pulsing could have been high level cloud, seems plausible.

According to Heavens Above the ISS is only visible in the morning from my location so pretty certain that is not it.

According to the simple satellite transit website the SkyMed 1 rose about the right time and to the right altitude but should have come from NNW (I observed it coming from West) and should have been mag 2 (it was much much brighter than that).

Still puzzled.

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