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Same here - I'm kicking myself (as I regularly do) that I didn't get a better grounding in maths. Then again, I'm putting some of the blame on the terrible terrible A-level maths lessons I had, which were so indecipherable and badly taught that I changed subject after a year. I tried to go back and do A-level maths at night school recently, to redress this, but my local college didn't offer it. Humph. Might need to do it by correspondence or something.

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I'm with you on that. Got to be worth a go. The maths does look a little bit daunting but nothing ventured nothing gained. Signed up today. :smiley:

I'd have to do a major maths refreshing course before I signed up to anything like that. Until then Luke you'll have to tell me all about it next time we meet up. :)

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I'd have to do a major maths refreshing course before I signed up to anything like that. Until then Luke you'll have to tell me all about it next time we meet up. :)

Same here !. I'm currently doing a course in Electronic Engineering and the forumla/Equations in that are bad enough.

I'd like to here some peoples reviews of the Astronomy courses though.

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The OU has a great maths refresher/study aid here: http://www.open.ac.uk/skillsforstudy/doc/maths-skills.pdf I used it on my last OU course - S177 - Galaxies, Stars and Planets.

It was really helpful and takes you from really simple basic maths up to more advanced stuff. It is surprising what you can remember, with a little hint! :smiley:



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I just checked out Galaxies and Cosmology in more detail by the way - far too hard for me. The chap in the video said the course assumed basic quantum mechanics. So I thought, ok maybe I could do the quantum mechanics course (how hard could that be, right? :grin: ). But the QM course said it assumed knowledge of eigenvectors - which I never really got at Uni .. and basic computer science stuff like big-Oh notation. The only big Oh I understand is Oh, maybe it's not for me... :grin:

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