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It's done!!

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Hello everyone!

Finally got to set the 200p up!! It's massive! I've seen pictures of fellow SGL dobs, they looked big but in person they're massive!

All I need is a good clear night... Whenever that is! Haha

Seriously, thank you all for your time and help. It's been really appreciated!

And if SteveB reads these forums from FLO, I'd just like to thank him for his help too!

Can't wait to use it!

Thanks again!


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That makes two of us! Got my 200P Friday and haven't had any clear sky since!

My mum was quite shocked at the size of it, I still haven't quite gotten used to it yet myself. It's fun watching the expression on people's faces when they see it though. :D

3 people should not have bought a 200P dob in the same week! Britain has just entered monsoon season!

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That makes two of us! Got my 200P Friday and haven't had any clear sky since!

My mum was quite shocked at the size of it, I still haven't quite gotten used to it yet myself. It's fun watching the expression on people's faces when they see it though. :D

3 people should not have bought a 200P dob in the same week! Britain has just entered monsoon season!

I've been keeping an eye on your post about your 200P! I bet you're made up to get it earlier than expected!

Haha! I know mate. What a time to get our dobs, right in the middle of this awful weather! We hopefully will be rewarded with some views in the not to distant future!!

Have you any idea why one part of the front cover twists off? There's 2 circular points on the top cover and one of them comes off? I've no idea why! I love all the twisty bits on the eyepiece sections!

Can't wait to give it a go!!


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I got mine second hand. The seller say's that he thinks it's so you can add a small solar filter but because the hole isn't in the centre I doubt that that is the reason. They might just be to get a grip on the lid but I'm not entirely sure!

I like the eyepiece bit too! (are we that easily amused? Who cares!) apparently the reason a 2" adaptor is needed is to achieve focus with a 2" EP (the 200P will hold 2" without it but you won't be able to focus). Without a 2" Eyepiece I just put the adaptor in the 2" EP holder on the base to make it look full! :D

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