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Panoptics and Radion


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I am the verge of hitting the buy button and obtaining my first TeleVues' I can only afford 3 tops and it may be a little time before I can add an extra one to my collection. With this in mind which would you choose to use an ED 100 or similar refractor (please could we keep the discussion to refractors) I am looking at a Panoptic and 2 Radions' but which focial lengths should I buy?

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Are you buying used? I ask as not all Radians are available new now. Personally, I'd recommend just buy one for now and would recommend a 24mm Panoptic as a first buy. Compare this with your 25mm XL (I know you use this a lot) and if you are hooked then consider perhaps a 10mm and a 6mm Radian to give 90x and 150x. If you bring your frac over to me at PSP 2012 (unit 30 in the camping field - next to James) , then I have a 10mm and an 8mm and you could certainly try them if you want to do so.

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I agree with the cautious approach Shane has described. Your scope is an F/9 so you may not find much difference between the X-Cel LX's (which are no slouches) and equivalent Tele Vue's. If you could buy a used TV then you will almost certainly be able to sell it for what you paid if you decide it's not for you.

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I find that Meade SWA and UWA are sharp in my F 9 they are also sharp in my F 7 refractor, I am sure the same would be true of the same eyepieces from Ex Sc. The Televue range it very good indeed and I have many but they are expensive new, however are a time locked investment S/H. I would indeed go for the 24mm panoptic to start with and see how you get on with it. You will not buy a better 24mm eyepiece but they are rare S/H because they are so good.


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Yeah you're right, I'll hang back for now perhaps and try a few before I buy, I very much appreciate your kind offer to try some of your TVs' Shane, I will indeed take you up on your offer in the Peaks next month. As I have said before visually I'm very happy with my X-Cels' but I am getting a little tired of continually regluing the rubber eye cups back on them, honestly its an accident waiting to happen.

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I agree with the cautious approach Shane has described. Your scope is an F/9 so you may not find much difference between the X-Cel LX's (which are no slouches) and equivalent Tele Vue's. If you could buy a used TV then you will almost certainly be able to sell it for what you paid if you decide it's not for you.

The focal ratio affects edge corrections and astigmatism. Other factors such as internal reflections, scatter and flare has more to do with the coating, baffle and other stray light control. In addition to those, there's overall transmission and colour balance to consider.

There are significant difference in the amount of scatter and flare even between my Pentax zoom, LVWs and my Nikons in my F10 SCT, so I would not be surprise the difference is also visible in the X-cel LX vs TV. However, I haven't use either LX or TV in question so I can't comment on the LX vs TV Radian/Panoptic in these areas.

I feel modern eyepiece reviews focus too much on fast scope edge performance and often forgot about other factors which may be more relevant in slower scopes.

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You may well have a point , but I find all my TeleVues as good as anything on slow scopes, I have two slowish scopes of different types F9 and F10. I think some companies are guilty of writing advertising based on slow scopes and this is why so many have found problems when they go faster, ie upsize to a fast Dob and not change eyepieces. I can see faults on my Meades at F5.2 that are not there with TV but i do stress I have TV s to compair against, this I believe makes a difference, it don't stop me using the Meades so it can hardly be that bad.


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.....I feel modern eyepiece reviews focus too much on fast scope edge performance and often forgot about other factors which may be more relevant in slower scopes.

Discussions of the Ethos eyepieces certainly fall into this trap. There is so much more to them than the massive field of view :smiley:

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Regardless of scope or scope type, you can't go far wrong with a Panoptic (the 24mm being something of a legend). Also I can say from experience that the Radian EP's are epic.

However - I think your scope is an f9 (correct me if 'm off the mark) -which, as a slow scope is pretty forgiving of EP's.

There are other very good EP's out there for far less outlay. The good news is that you may be hard pressed to tell the difference through a slow frac between the TV's and other brands such as Meade, ES or Celestron.

It is down to you how much you want to spend and TV are top notch EP's that will serve you well what ever your scope, now or in the future.

If you want to spend less money you could consider Meade or perhaps the Celestron Luminos range. But If you are after a choice of premium EP's Yes there is TV or could I suggest Pentax XW EP's. Likely to cease production soon but top notch in a slow or fast scope - Take your time and enjoy buying EP's - it's fun :smiley:

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I am rapidly beginning to reassess, I nearly (and I do mean nearly hit) the buy button but thought I would consult the forum one last time. I was looking for a slightly wider field and a better quality build really. It seems perhaps my forgiving fl 9 does not warrent the expense. So....bearing this in mind has anyone tried (an this is now well off topic) SW

Sky Panaramas' they do seem incredible value for money.

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I can recommend the ES range and the Meade 5000 EP's they both have ranges of EP's providing 82 degree FOV and 68 degree FOV (the Meade 68 degree EP's are now discontinued though)

I've not had experience of the Panarama's but the SW Nirvana's are good as are the Celestron Luminos range both providing 82 degree FOV.

EP buying is exciting stuff - I think I might look into plugging my 9-10mm gap in my collection :grin:

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