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Clear last night - NGC7000 reprocess


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This is the full frame image from last night (30 min as 15 x 2 min subs) on un modifield DSLR with 200 mm lens @ f3.5 and ISO 800.

Images were stacked in DSS and saved as both Tiff and Fit files. The tiff files have been processed in PS CS3 for the colour info using mainly curves and saturation. The Fit file was reprocessed in Fits Liberator to produce a luminance overlay to the colour file.

Both layers were then blended in PS applying curves to each to get the final result.

No flats, darks etc have been used on this image.


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So many stars. Great.

I quite like the "effect" with the ummodded DSLR. Usually this object is depicted with much more red in it due to h-alpha emissions, but it works surprisingly great without.

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