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So, I am going camping next year and need some heat for me tent - it will be october. also, thinking of using it in a shed the rest of the time.

I know there are gas things - but in an enclosed space... hmmmmm. Anything that runs off a 12v cigar socket? I know it'll drain the battery quick, but I only need it for shortish bursts.

However, what is the most sensible and cost effective way to heat a one person tent, or 6 x 4 shed?

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A tent is quit different than a shed. When looking to heat dont look for the size but look at the volume. And materials its made of. A shed will retain heat better than a tent. Not saying shed are good at retaining it just that its better than a tent. I would suggest an electric blanket. Safest way to stay warm and very little energy consumption. Combined with another blanket or sleeping bag and you will stay very toasty.

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I wouldn't bother trying to heat a tent, even in October. You're only going to keep the wildlife warm. Whenever I camp I find the best ways to keep warm is to make sure you eat a lot and where lots of thin layers. Make sure you have clean clothes to get in to in the tent if you manage to get wet outside. Buy yourself a decent sleeping bag - if you can't afford a high tech one get down the army surplus and get a down filled one (these cannot get wet though). If your sleeping bag is up to scratch then don't wear too many clothes when in it - they work by reflecting heat back on to you and you're producing the heat.

As for a shed I've always thought one of those fan heaters are good - the shed isn't insulated too well either so rather than trying to heat the thing up just have hot air blowing on you if that makes sense?

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I bought a halogen heater from go outdoors. £12 approx I think, runs off mains (800w) and really good at keeping you warm while it's on. when you switch off though the heat just disappears in a few seconds. I only bother with it when I am with my family. I am either outside or in my bed if at star parties so don't see the need.

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