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Lighting Halved


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Good news today. The lights on my estate and throughout Newport will be halved, with every other lamp going off between 10pm - 6am.

The man adjusted the lamp outside my house today as one of the timed lamps. Yippee. :icon_biggrin:

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We recently has new lamps installed and although they are White LED the light is directed far better, I have a massive improvement in my skies.

ours in the village have also been changed to leds but not inside the estate but what a massive difference it makes i can see the milky way and the double cluster from my back yard now :) looking forward now to the long cold nights
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That is such good news-I'm sure you will benefit from the darker skies Freff, maybe update us on the forum? Our county council (Notts) has decided to rethink its 4 year roll out programme of turning off/dimming street lighting following an unfortunate incident earlier in the year attributed to lack of street lighting and complaints from residents in one ward causing a U-turn in the council. I have contacted the BBC asking if the 2013 Stargazing Live can promote these street lighting initiatives to help get our message across. Anyhow, it's good news for folks in Newport.



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