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M31, reworked


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I like thge colours and lanes in M31, but I think the clarity of the lane has come at the expense o a slightly harsh black cut-off across the rest of the image. That said, I've been working and reworking my M31 data for about 4 years now and still haven't found something I'm entirely happy with!

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I think it's 99/100

the 1 point is lost on the histogram clipping (only very slightly) which would account for the M31 edge being a bit abrupt as noted by michael wilkinson. Raising the background level just the smallest of small tads would sort that.

Certainly head and shoulders above the previous image, I'd be very pround of it if it were mine.


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I like it :icon_salut: ... I'd be VERY proud if I'd managed that myself, I wish I could, but from where I live and with the equipment I have their is no chance at all.

It's good that others are being honestly critical though, it can only help I'm sure.

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