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Clear night here a last!!! About 2-3 miles outside centre of Liverpool! Going to wait for an hour or so for it to get darker, get the tripod out and try and find some galaxies/clusters in Ursa Major and hopefully get a look at Andromeda!!!

Quite excited tbh! I hope I can find andromeda, hides just above our roof at this time of year!

Clear skies everyone and good luck!

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It's just gone cloudy now! Had about 40 minutes or so out just having a nose.

Tried looking for some clusters and galaxies in ursa major but no luck (I don't think I'll be able to get them in view with 15x70 binos! SW 200p anyone? Yes please! Haha) anyway! Turned my sights over to Cassiopeia looking for the pacman nebula, again no luck! (same situation with the 15x70's. If anyone has viewed these with 15x70's have you got any tips please? Ha) At this point the clouds are starting to come in so I jus start having a nose to the east just above the back of our house.

A few minutes in, I spot something! Thinking it was a cloud, I let them pass until there was a clear spot. Had a good hard look in the same place... Andromeda!!! I've final found it! Although it's the slightest of smudges in a sea of darkness, I couldn't stop looking at it! Averted vision made it stand out slightly better. Forget the rest of the sky! That was my main target for the last few minutes before the whole sky went white!

What a sight! Couldn't believe it at first. Absolutely made up!

Happy with myself now! Haha who'd have thought that you could view something millions of miles away with a pair of binoculars? Amazes me!

Thanks for reading.


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who'd have thought that you could view something millions of miles away with a pair of binoculars?

Probably more like trillions, maybe more i dont know, but i seem to remember reading that saturn or jupiter is roughly 1 billion miles away... *dr evil pose*

Its an amazing feeling to find something for the first time. I remember finding andromeda with a pair of poor 8x30s and it still blew my mind. I was instantly hooked. :)

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Probably more like trillions, maybe more i dont know, but i seem to remember reading that saturn or jupiter is roughly 1 billion miles away... *dr evil pose*

Its an amazing feeling to find something for the first time. I remember finding andromeda with a pair of poor 8x30s and it still blew my mind. I was instantly hooked. :)

Haha! Trillions of miles away* :D

You're not wrong mate! I want to be back out there right now having another look! Pity this area is quite bad for LP but if I still get to see beautiful objects like that, I'm not complaining!

We used to have a caravan in north Wales about 4-5 miles outside Wrexham. That was the first time I'd ever seen the milky way with the unaided eye. That's a view I'll never forget!

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It's just gone cloudy now! Had about 40 minutes or so out just having a nose.

Tried looking for some clusters and galaxies in ursa major but no luck (I don't think I'll be able to get them in view with 15x70 binos! SW 200p anyone? Yes please! Haha) anyway! Turned my sights over to Cassiopeia looking for the pacman nebula, again no luck! (same situation with the 15x70's. If anyone has viewed these with 15x70's have you got any tips please? Ha) At this point the clouds are starting to come in so I jus start having a nose to the east just above the back of our house.

A few minutes in, I spot something! Thinking it was a cloud, I let them pass until there was a clear spot. Had a good hard look in the same place... Andromeda!!! I've final found it! Although it's the slightest of smudges in a sea of darkness, I couldn't stop looking at it! Averted vision made it stand out slightly better. Forget the rest of the sky! That was my main target for the last few minutes before the whole sky went white!

What a sight! Couldn't believe it at first. Absolutely made up!

Happy with myself now! Haha who'd have thought that you could view something millions of miles away with a pair of binoculars? Amazes me!

Thanks for reading.


I saw Andromeda for the first time last night too with a pair of binoculars. Mine are very old, and they are really out of alignment, so all I saw was a smudge, but it was it :) Amazing feeling, I went to bed feeling very very small :)

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Wait till you guys see the orion nebula... ;) i barely slept that night, i just couldnt believe i had gone my entire life without anyone telling me what was up there.

Ah I can't wait for that! I've seen it through binoculars but I could only just make out a fuzzy shape with a small amount of cloud type features, no colour, just a whitey type fuzz! I'm ordering a SW 200p in a week or 2 so hopefully it'll stay clear for me to try it out! Knowing my luck though it'll be cloudy :(

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Ah I can't wait for that! I've seen it through binoculars but I could only just make out a fuzzy shape with a small amount of cloud type features, no colour, just a whitey type fuzz! I'm ordering a SW 200p in a week or 2 so hopefully it'll stay clear for me to try it out! Knowing my luck though it'll be cloudy :(

Fortunately, the universe isnt going anywhere. :) orion will be on show all winter.

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Can't complain about the clouds last night, we've had 9 good nights over the last fortnight. That's nearly a third of our usual annual allocation in Middle Earth,


I've been working every one of those nights :(

I finally get a night off, get some 15x70s delivered, all forecasts say clear... Then suddenly, clouds everywhere. :(

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It was pretty good last night with a much larger window of opportunity before the arrival of clouds than the night before but there was a general milkiness that was missing from Wednesday's extraordinarily clear sky. I spent a couple of hours working a review mount with my little Megrez 72D and had a brilliant time observing a whole host of deep sky objects and catching fleeting glimpses of two wonderful meteors.

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I spent a couple of hours working a review mount with my little Megrez 72D and had a brilliant time observing a whole host of deep sky objects and catching fleeting glimpses of two wonderful meteors.

What constellation were they from? I concentrated on Ursa Major, Cassiopeia and the top part of Andromeda! Caught 2 satellites, 4 planes and a late low flying seagull but that was it!

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An enjoyable night but by 0100 hrs my eyes were starting to fade, contact lenses in too long, felt like sawdust :( . But as said a good night, I had replaced the Evostar 80 with the SW 200 on the mount and for once I was looking at Andromeda in a different light, big, beautiful and detailed, all the other targets were spot on :)


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