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Soul Nebula - IC1848


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Hi Andy, very promising image with lots of detail. Could I suggest you crop the raw stacked image before stretching.

This will get rid of the black edges and make the histogram a lot better. You seem to have cut into the red channel

and lost a lot of interesting stuff.


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Hey Andy there are definately good and bad days for processing I've discovered:D, I can see why you wouldn't be not happy with this one if your comparing it to that absolutely amazing Heart neb you produced the other day, this one might just needs a bit of fettling in PS to pull some red out that pink cast?


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Hi ya Chris mate :-) I'm on night shift again tonight so will have another crack at processing tomorrow and post the result, think i can do a bit better.

Are you off to Kelling? I'd love to go but am working AGAIN! On the plus side, i changed my mind and have a QHY5 on the way to fit to my 9x50 so should be guided very soon! Have you bought any bits lately?

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Good call on the QHY5 a lot of people seem to turn to them after trying with a webcam so they must be much better:) I would have liked the chance to meet some poeple from SGL at Kelling but typically it coincides with my brothers wedding in Leicester. Last bought optics a couple of weeks ago when I got Earl's ST80, still need to get some rings for it. I've also bought some timber and 75mm casters for my Obsy's roll off roof, the rolling roof is nearly finished now, that was quite a job!

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I have the ST80 and mono QHY5 combo and can confirm the QHY5 is so very much better than a webcam. And the ST80 is very much better than a 9x50 finderscope. I have my ST80 bolted solidly onto the rings of my ED80 and have never yet had any problem finding at least two or three good stars withing the QHY5 image to guide on. I use PHD and the ASCOM system for guiding. I sometimes have some problems with the ASCOM control and I'm thinking this is probably USB cables at fault.

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@Starfox, yea I'll let you know how I get on with the QHY5 as soon as I can. Wish I could get to Kelling but am working, need to get myself to one of these big events sometime! Btw I have a medium dovetail knocking about that you can have if you want it, wont have time to post it though until later in the month though mate.

@Gina, thanks for the info :smiley: I am trying to keep weight to an absolute minimum so will be using the 9x50 and qhy5 with this:


Should be solid but how effective.... well I have no idea yet lol.

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I reckon that's on track but has much more to give. Pixinsight's SCNR green would do wonders, or try Rogelio Bernal Andreo's free Hasta La Vista Green on his Deep Sky Colors website. There's a lot of green noise in there.

This is a nice object and under-imaged. Good on you.

Another idea: in Ps go to Image-Adjustments-Selective Colour and see what happens if you push the Reds slider towards Cyan. It might pull a lot of new data into view.


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@Starfox, yea I'll let you know how I get on with the QHY5 as soon as I can. Wish I could get to Kelling but am working, need to get myself to one of these big events sometime! Btw I have a medium dovetail knocking about that you can have if you want it, wont have time to post it though until later in the month though mate.

Hi Andy cool let me know how you get on I recken you will be pleased:) I've also never been to any big events, just helped out at Astro open days for the general public, I hope to get to one next year though its long overdue. Thats very kind of you about the dovetail, that would be great if you really don't need it? I can Paypal gift you but we can discuss this further by PM.


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you've killed a lot of the green there Andy its looking good:), I'm not familier with this neb so I was looking at the pinky/brown stuff around the outside of the pic thinking it was emission neb that was under stretched or something but I'm guessing it interstellar dust?

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Honestly Chris i don't know much about this nebula either, other than that its kind of a pair with the heart nebula i.e. Heart and Soul. But yea probably some sort of space debris or something.

I will be re-processing this from scratch soon with some of Olly's suggestions too, think there's alot more detail i failed to bring out in the centre.

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Don't worry mate its only gathering dust and its not needed. Just PM me your address and i will post it to you end of next week when i'm not at work. :-)

You're a gooden:) don't like the thought of you having to pay post ontop of giving me it so I will sort something out by PM. Just out of curiosity what are you doing on your nightshifts?

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I remember what a tough gig it is working at the same time as doing a degree, I worked as a Health care assistant through both my degrees. I remember a friend of mine mentioning that being MS certified was a very good thing to have under your belt, so I guess the degree is the icing on the cake hey, good luck:) And no wonder you've picked up this astro processing so quickly matey:D

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Thanks mate, nice of you to say :-)

As for processing, i am learning loads and its fun playing with layer masks and other stuff when there's time. But i will say that i'd not have learnt half of what i have without people on here being so helpful.

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Andy, it's a good capture - I know how faint parts of this awesome nebula are, particularly with short subs.

I can see you've used a lot of noise reduction. Try and apply it only to the fainter bits otherwise you really lose detail.

I'm also still learning lots thanks to the good people of SGL! :)

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