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Hi all.

Wullie here ( i know the the spelling is weird to the no Glaswegians out there) just go my first Telescope.

After much negotiation with the wife i bought a second hand HEQ5 Pro mount and a Starwave 80 ED Refractor.

My first images have been some what disappointing ( i will post them up shortly ) does any one elso have the same telescope and can show me there pictures and give me some hints?

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Hi Wullie and welcome to the forum. I liked the word 'negotiation' in your introduction as a means of getting hold of your astro kit - you know it's going to come back and bite you with a whole list of things to do around the house etc :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Regarding your imaging question, you might want to post a question either on the imaging section or perhaps in the 'Beginners Help & Advice' section as it will be read by more people there who can help. With regards to starting out in imaging, may I recommend that you get hold of a cope of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95) which you can view here. It a great book containing a comprehensive guide on all you need to know to take good consistent images that will meet your own expectations and provides a good overview on all aspects of imaging.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Hi Wullie and welcome to SGL, I would whole heartedly support what James has said, you have an excellent scope from Altai-Astro, the 80mm along with the 115mm have produced some excellent images from various Astronomers, so I think it is just a question of time and patience, as your knowledge expands on the use of your equipment so will your images improve. Do not be worried about the quality of your images, just post in the imaging section with as much information as you can, camera details exposure times etc. There is a wealth of knowledge on the forum, gained by our many imagers, who will be able to help you with your problems :)


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Thanks for the warm welcome we need it in Scotland :)

I have linked two of my images etc in the post http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/162157-first-images/

James I have purchased a copy of the book (Really like the fact its self published), it arrived this morning so I intend to get reading tonight.

may I recommend that you get hold of a cope of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95) which you can view here. It a great book containing a comprehensive guide on all you need to know to take good consistent images that will meet your own expectations and provides a good overview on all aspects of imaging.

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