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With clear skies and a few PHD problems sorted out, I managed a short session on NGC281. The processed image is based on 11 seven minute lights and 3 darks at ISO 800. Vignetting removed in Fitswork 4, and final processing in PS5.

I'm quite pleased with the results, but I'm sure there's heaps of room for improvement. Thanks for looking.


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Hi Roy, that's really nice indeed!

Is your camera unmodded? Because the colours look very similar to those which were returned when I tried imaging it with an old, unmodded Nikon camera. (Yours is by far better quality, though!)

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Thanks for the comments. It's my understanding that the anti-aliasing, low pass filter, also serves as an IR cut filter and I'm hoping that leaving it in place will prevent over-saturation in the red part of the spectrum, but any advice from a modified 1100D user would be appreciated.

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I agree with Lewis (and with Tim's critique of my own effort on this) and like the range of blue tones you've caught, so avoiding a red-out on the whole thing!!

Good star colour, too. There's a post on this in the imaging discussion section and since you clearly know how to do it you might care to add something!

Anyway, a very pleasing picture.


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