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Astronomy Hobby and your Wife/Husband/Spouse/GF/BF

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My fiancee is supportive and will have a look at the moon or a planet, but she wont stand outside in the cold for more than a few minutes, she loves the deep sky image`s on here, i do try to keep an even balance between astro and relationship, and if she is in the "tigress" mood then its a done deal, astro can wait :grin:

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My wife is interested (particularly in cosmology) and supportive, but does not like spending hours observing in the cold. She'll come outside to take a quick look at stuff if I'm observing at home, and enjoys the occasional holiday at COAA.

(On the batphone, so probably riddled with weird predicted text.),

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My wife is interested in astronomy as well just doesnt have the evening staying power when a warm comfy bed calls. Its definitely our scope and she has been known to go and setup herself and have a mooch round the skies

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My Wife does take an interest in all things space and loves to follow the ISS even waving as it goes overhead, " you never know they might see us " she once said, womanly intuition of course, the only other remarks she comes out with are " How Much " :D


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Mrs Marki has been very supportive - she watched all the stargazing live stuff with me and encouraged me to get my first scope. She is known to come outside for a while and take a peek, before the cold gets to her. Shes more of a moon/saturn girl though and not interested in scopes/gadgets etc. in themselves - only the views. She does enjoy snapping the odd pic with her compact through the eyepiece. She's never questioned my spend (I never hide it from her; firmly believe honesty is the best policy here) and only comments on the number of scopes/eyepieces when it starts to approach the limit I set for myself when I started.

I'm pretty lucky all told, but I do make sure to spend time with her on evenings when I'd rather be out at the eyepiece - all relationships need a bit of give and take :).

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