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Kemble's Cascade.


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Thanks for this Nick. I think I tried pretty much that when trying for it down in Dorset but didn't get it. I was getting fairly tired and, more significantly it was really awkward being virtually overhead, or at least it felt like it :D.

Have seen it before so will try again soon.


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Looked for the cascade last week,but failed to find it ("must try harder"-sounds like one of my old school reports!). No doubt,I'll find it,with a bit of application.I was mad keen to see'the Coathanger' the other week,found it no bother,and now I can't seem to get away from the thing! Got to admit that it's a mesmerising asterism though. My next obsession will probably be the 'Cheshire Cat' in Auriga-I must see that one!

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Yep, I love these tips, they make life so much easier for newbies, my favourite is that if the pan of Ursa Major springs a leak, then Leo would get wet!


Like it, a bit of humour always seems to make the knowledge stick.

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My next obsession will probably be the 'Cheshire Cat' in Auriga-I must see that one!

I'd never heard of this one so did a quick Google - it's "discovery" is claimed by an American observer who named it in 2002.


I'll look out for it. And maybe name a few asterisms of my own too.

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