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OO DOB bases and SW ota's


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I am going to buy a second scope in next few weeks and have now began to consider my option's. A Newtonian of 10 inches I think is what is required , but how to mount it? I was considering a a SW dob to begin with but I am not sure I could live with an MDF base, I don't even want it in my kitchen cabinets. I had also considered a OO DOB but have been put off by a number of factors, mostly raised by members of this forum. Two and a half hours of cool down time does seem excessive. They also used to have poor reputation for dodgy engineering by some. As a compromise I was thinking a a hybrid of the two, a SW 250 PDS and a OO DOB base. My reasoning being I get a quicker cool down time, a better quality base than a SW and a cheaper outfit than the OO DOB. Has anyone else out there done a similar mix and match job between the two?

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I am not sure where you get 2 hours for cooldown (I generally work on 5 minutes per inch of aperture for full cooldown). OOUK mirrors are generally thinner than most other makes and actually cool down more quickly than some. I have a 16" OOUK dob and that mirror can be used at lower powers within half an hour or so.

The OOUK scopes generally are very good to excellent optically. The tubes in my experience are perfectly adequate too and I will generally only have OOUK scopes - I currently have three.My only reservation is cost of the new ones. I have only ever bought used and then tey are great value. I'd pay more for a used OOUK scope than I'd pay for a new Skywatcher. The bases are generally excellent and very robust but again expensive new. I only have reservations when the longer tube versions (like my 6" f11 dob) are used with them.

For my 16" dob I just bought the optics and tube and made my base out of exterior plywood. It's bullet proof and very strong. This is a route I can recommend.

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I own an Orion Optics 10" newtonian. It's cooling requirements are no different to any other 10" newtonian. My views on the scope tally with Shanes - good optics, mechanicals OK. I use mine on a Giro-type alt-azimuth mount. I've considered getting an OO dob mount for it but they are quite pricey at £240 I feel. I also agree with Shane re: buying an OO scope new. They depreciate a lot initially but then hold their values solidly thereafter and make really good value secondhand buys.

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OK that is interesting. I thought the cool down thing was a little odd. I have recently read this twice in old threads on this forum and the statement's went unchallenged so I presumed them to be true. I am very interested in one of these scopes and would prefer to buy a scope made in my home county, local jobs and all that. Quality optics too.

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One thing to remember about OO Newts is that they have improved a lot in build quality in the last couple of years. OO started off as an optics manufacturer and then started building complete scopes allmost as a sideline and the earlier ones did have some dodgy bits on them. Now however they've raised their game a lot and their newts/dobs are well made with quality components. Compare an OO 9 point CNC mirror cell with the pot-metal affair on a Skywatcher for example.



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If you are going for a SW250 then you may as well go for the package - and include the SW dob base. It should last you years anyhow and if at any time you wish to change it, then a good cabinet maker / carpenter can create one using the original as a template.

That said OOUK dobs do occasionally turn up on the second hand sites and if purchasing new the dob mount is a little cheaper as part of the package when ordering the OTA (something I had considered long and hard about to), and yes as Shane as mentioned they will be a superb performer and make for a smaller footprint for storage / transport.

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That's the kind of information l was looking for, thank you. Many of the old threads I have been looking at are from 2006/2007.I was hoping that things had moved on a bit.

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Do we know if there is a waiting list for a new one?

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I think most OO scopes are made to order so there will be some waiting I reckon. Their delivery estimates have been known to be a little optimistic at times !

On the cool down times, OO also make maksutov scopes which do need quite a lot more time to cool. Maybe it was those that were being discussed ?

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Do we know if there is a waiting list for a new one?

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OO builds them to order so it's usually about 6 to 8 weeks. The good part about this is that you can have them customize it in just about anyway you want. You could buy your scope without their focuser and buy your own focuser and send it to them and they'd fit it for you. Or you could have it powder coated in another colour etc. etc.


My little 14" OO that an be tucked away behind a door when not in use. Surprisingly small footprint.

post-1876-0-11189100-1345932354_thumb.jp post-1876-0-97710800-1345932366_thumb.jp

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I think I will do that next week, I'm gonna get one. I have now idea where I am going to keep it mind, the base is not a problem, perhaps it may be time to clean out the shed again...its tiny.

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You will need to include the optional friction brake for their dob base if you do decide to order through OOUK. They are very good at responding to customer enquires via phone or email.

Yes I was gong to go for a few added options. Are the optics and focuser up grades worthwhile I wonder?

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Go for the upgraded optics, makes a difference on lunar/planets. On DSOs not so important but the better optics make it a better all-round scope.

The OO focuser is OK but a Baader Steeltrack is much better. That's what I did with mine. They give you a credit for not using their focuser and don't charge for fitting one you supply.


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I have recently taken delivery of an OO VX10. My impressions (as a relative newby mind you) are that the majority of the scope is well made. The mirror cell is very nice, the focuser is pretty good and focuses smoothly (although the eyepieces wobble a bit), the tube and tube rings (and the altitude bearing for their dob base) are good and very solid (and the altitude bearing make carrying the tube around easy). I thought the secondary mirror was ground a bit roughly and the secondary mount not quite up to the same standard as the rest of the scope, but overall, I'm pretty happy with it. Mine is the f4.8 and I have had a few issues with collimation (which I think I have sorted out now and related to my inexperience not the scope). I wonder if the f6.3 would have been more forgiving of eyepiece quality but it is just that bit longer and more awkward to shift around .

I made my own dob base but, as mentioned, used their altitude bearing. Seems to work OK. I'd have got their mount but postage to the other end of the world was more than the mount itself! I've pasted a link below - not quite sure if that is the right way to do it...


Delivery took about 21/2 months, but they moved factory in the middle of that.

All the best


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I have recently taken delivery of an OO VX10. My impressions (as a relative newby mind you) are that the majority of the scope is well made. The mirror cell is very nice, the focuser is pretty good and focuses smoothly (although the eyepieces wobble a bit), the tube and tube rings (and the altitude bearing for their dob base) are good and very solid (and the altitude bearing make carrying the tube around easy). I thought the secondary mirror was ground a bit roughly and the secondary mount not quite up to the same standard as the rest of the scope, but overall, I'm pretty happy with it. Mine is the f4.8 and I have had a few issues with collimation (which I think I have sorted out now and related to my inexperience not the scope). I wonder if the f6.3 would have been more forgiving of eyepiece quality but it is just that bit longer and more awkward to shift around .

I made my own dob base but, as mentioned, used their altitude bearing. Seems to work OK. I'd have got their mount but postage to the other end of the world was more than the mount itself! I've pasted a link below - not quite sure if that is the right way to do it...


Delivery took about 21/2 months, but they moved factory in the middle of that.

All the best


Nice job on the mount, well done.

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