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Cleaning brass setting circles?

Odd Thomas

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I am refurbishing an old Fullerscopes Mk4 deluxe eq mount which has brass setting circles and I would like to clean and possibly re-polish them. Cleaning & polishing brass wouldn't normally be a problem, but these are engraved, with the numerals / dividing marks picked out in black paint. If I just go at them with polish etc I'll damage the paintwork, and I know that if I take the paint off I'll never be accurate enough to re do them.

Anyone got any ideas or even better, tackled this job before?



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Thanks, I looked at that very site after a google search. I've also heard that you can polish the circles then lightly spray them with matt black paint which wont stick to the polished surfaces very well, but will adhere to the engraved parts, then when dry, polish off the paint from the previously polished bits.....don't know if I'm brave enough to try that!

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If they are quality circles it is likely that the engraving would be filled with wax and the surface will have been laquered (varnished). If so then leave well alone apart from a wipe down with warm soapy water. Do not wipe with alcohol (Meths) or white spirit as this will ruin both the wax and the laquer.

You can redo the whole process if you wish as it is not difficult - the wax and laquer are available from clock repairers/restorers suppliers.

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