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VDB136 and a Diamond Ring Cluster


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Hi guys,

Diamond Ring is actually invisible but it's not my fault this time. It can only be seen in IR spectrum.

There is still a lot going on in this image. VDB 136 is in the centre. Around it is a dark nebula and this blueish tint is not accounted for post-processing artefact but rather dust scattered across.

There is just one reference image I could found in Internet - magnificent work of Tom Davis. But unfortunately I have neither ASA nor TeleVue, Just modest effort with my noisy Canon


Thanks for looking!


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It's nice.

Is the round thing to the right of VDB136 just the faintest hint of the engagement ring, or is that something else?

I often find that equalising an image helps me spot all the faint background things that are in the data, so I did that with your second image. The large pink circle just below mid right looks like it's the ring... is it?


Though I haven't found a way to use the equalised version as a layer (yet) it gives a target to aim at - the trick being to lift the faint stuff without blowing out the bright stuff and also bloating up the stars _ a trick I have yet to get the hang of.

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