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First Light with Skyliner 250 Dob


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Out on the path at the back of the House, in the middle of the West End of Glasgow. Clear but very light polluted sky. Only about a

45° slice of sky between Tenement and Trees, but Lyra and Cygnus were at the Zenith and visible.

Took out the new Astro Soc of Glasgow 10” Skyliner (Skywatcher) Dobsonian that Clare, Richard, Stevie and I had assembled and collimated yesterday evening. It was a warm night, perhaps very slightly hazy and under very very light polluted City skies.

Set up the Dob in 2 mins flat, and took 2 eyepieces from my pocket:

32mm series 4000 Meade Plossl 52° aFOV giving x37.5 magnification and 1.4° tFOV

16mm Nagler type 5 82° aFOV giving x75 magnification and 0.9° tFOV

Turned firstly to Vega and aligned the finder properly. Through the Plossl it gleamed brightly. Then noticed the “double double” in the finder, aligned it on the cross hairs of the finder and it was in the centre of the eyepiece – not split at x37.5, but both stars showing definite “dumbell” shapes. On with the Nagler (x75) and a clean split. Impressive.

Then back to the Plossl and put the finder crosshairs between Sheliak and Sulafat in Lyra. There was a small smoke ring in the eyepiece – on with the Nagler (x75) and the ring stood out proudly – even under orange City skies – great!

Then lined up the finder on Albireo and there she was, easily split and glowing like two bright coals, one blue-white and one orange.

The ‘scope was so easy to point and the tensioner on the Alt setting could be adjusted to just the right amount. This ‘scope is going to be a winner. I might be a convert to Dobs.

As in my “back close” I felt I couldn’t do any more observing, as surrounded by Tenements with brightly lit windows, so packed up.

In only 20 minutes I had set up the 'scope, split two nice doubles and saw M57 - and I bet the 'scope never got anywhere near ambient outside temperature.

It seems that the approving comments SGL members have been making about this 'scope are correct.

Hope to take her out for a much longer "second light", under dark skies. Then we shall see what she can do.

Only one problem - the Astro Soc has 140 members - they might want a shot as well :wink:


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Nice one Tom... I can only mirror (no pun intended) your comments on the scope, hours of fun and impressive sights. I've quickly resorted to a couple different size stools to save on the back during a viewing session. It only takes a couple seconds to move and sit down on each object.. well worth it IMO.


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