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Hello Summer Triangle, welcome back Andromeda and the Milky Way


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After the seemingly never-ending clouds of the summer it seemed like it would be September before I caught a glimpse of any stars, but the past week has seen some lovely cool clear nights, and I was pleased to see the Milky Way visible from my back garden once again when I was out last night on the recliner watching for shooting stars. I couldn't quite make out the Andromeda galaxy with the naked eye, but it was there in my binoculars.

I had a go with the C50 Mak I bought recently, the half-moon looked nice, could make out plenty of craters and features, but the Mak didn't have the sharpness or contrast of my ST80. Did manage to see Albireo, the blue and yellow double, though the angle was impossible to achieve with the 45 degree eyepiece on a standard camera tripod so I had to go hand-held, but it is a very light scope so not so hard to keep steady.

I think the time has come for me to dust off the telescope and my knowledge of the night sky!

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