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Plastic tub cover for secondary mirror on flextube dob

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I have been reading that dew needs to be controlled when bringing your scope in from a nights observing - I religiously put on the cap to the primary mirror tube and the fabric shower cap over the secondary housing (as came with the SW flextube) but this still leaves a large air gap infront of the secondary - albeit enclosed, but the secondary is still fairly open.

I store the scope in a dry clean garage so the temperature/humidity is similar to outside, but was wondering if I should try to encase the secondary to protect it more?

I was thinking of using a "tupperware" type container 125x125x150d and cutting slots in the top to match the cross members, so it can slide up over the mirror and be held in place by the clip on lid (I could even put a silica gel pack in there to help control moisture?) - or am I being over protective???

WRT the primary - I've heard that some have used a circle of plain cardboard on thin strips/ribbon which they lower into the primary tube so it sits about 5cm above the mirror to reduce the air gap and protect it from dust - again, is this OTT???

Comments very much appreciated. Cheers, Richard.

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