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Sunspots AR1532, AR1530 & AR1529


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Not a lot wrong with that Image Mal. Plenty of detail in there...

It does take a little getting used to but I've found that http://www.avistack.de/ gives me better results than Registax. Although I do take the resulting stacked image into Registax for wavelets.

If I had to suggest an improvement, it would be to lover the exposure time, ever so slightly.



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It does take a little getting used to but I've found that http://www.avistack.de/ gives me better results than Registax. Although I do take the resulting stacked image into Registax for wavelets.

If I had to suggest an improvement, it would be to lover the exposure time, ever so slightly.



Cheers Ant - I did give Avistack a try before but couldn't get it to work, it wouldn't open my files (though Registax did). I'll have a play with the exposure settings. (Or it may have been that I over-compensated with the levels in Photoshop!) :)

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