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I've just started getting back into Astronomy and Astrophotography since a few years away from it, a young family, busy work-life, other hobbies and cloudy skies have all worked against me over recent years to stop me getting out and about. Recently though it just seems to be the few evenings I do have to myself are cloudy. I suspect I'm not alone... Anyway, I attended the Kielder forest star camp in March and had such a great time that I booked in for the Autumn one immediately. I've even been promised equally good weather... I've got an 8" Orion optics Newtonian telescope on a Vixen GP mount with the starbook S controller and am getting to grips with using it. I have dreams of an autoguiding solution for it but need to balance time, cost and benefit. Hence I thought I'd join SGL to read some of the relevant posts, forums and make an informed decision.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I must get myself along to a Kielder star party one of these days as the skies by all accounts are certainly worth the effort for, you never know I might see you there at the next one!

Clear skies


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