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LOHA AR1520 in Ha before it vanishes


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The weather was really pleasant Sunday morning so I dragged the LOHA 4" f11 PST stage 2 modified refractor out to have a play with AR1520

This is a stacked image from a one minute video captured on a DMK21 and the mount was tracked on the sunspot using the DSSR software.


The video was processed through Registax 6 and then I've upscaled the 640 x 480 image to 1280 x 960 using my preferred method in CS5 which is to increase the image size by 1% and repeat until the image is to the required size or the quality falls through the floor :)

To show the image on here I've resized back to my normal 1000px image.

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Nice, I really wanted to have a go at this SS but it hasn't worked out. It's good to see some quality images though. :)

I have never heard of that method to upsize an image either, I might give it a go as I noticed a big quality drop last time I wanted to try that so I gave up.

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To me, the upsizing method I use makes sense. A lot of small steps rather than one big step. It's similar to the sharpening process I use, little and often :)

I haven't checked the difference between using drizzle and my technique, something to do for the next rainy day, oh that's today lol

I only did it to see what increase I could get from the standard image size of the DMK21 chip, it's a great little camera, very fast frame rate and sensitivity but the downside is the image size.

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