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SLR to eyepiece or just to scope?

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I attached my canon EOS 1100d camera to the telescope but I wonder if it's possible to attach it to an eyepiece to give better magnification?

Also, what is the magnification if all that's being used is a Celestron C8 OTA and an EOS 1100d camera? I think it might be clear tonight and I'm hopeful I might get a few images in (it'll be my first ever attempt at imaging through a scope with proper adaptors and not just peering over the eyepiece ;-D).

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There are adapters to use for Projection Photography. I have just bought one from 'Sky's the Limit' that works well on an Eos 550D (and at a good price, too!)

www.skysthelimit.org.uk and go to 'camera adapters'.

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The usual method of imaging with a DSLR is prime focus (camera body connected directly to the focuser). The focal length of the telescope can be increased by using a barlow lens. To increase the apparent magnificaction further it is possible to project an image through an eyepiece which is connected to the camera body. A spreadsheet containing the information about calculating the increase i magnification can be found in this thread http://stargazerslou...-ep-projection/. Use the rev2 version of the spreadsheet which gives a bit more info (post#14)


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