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White Light Sun, Sunday 15th July


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A couple from this morning using my recently re-installed Meade 12" LX200R equipped with a full aperture Baader solar filter. First image, the full disc, was captured using a Canon 40D utilising a Baader Solar Continuum filter. Image shown here is a stack of 10 images, taken at 1/2000 second at iso 800. Still images stacked with Registax 6 and tweakd in CS5.


Second image is a closeup of the large sunspot group near the Eastern limb, which includes AR1520. Same scope and Baader solar filter as above, but this was captured using an Imaging Source DFK 21AU618.AS at 60 fps in greyscale mode. 400 frames used from 2000 captured in Registax.


Thanks for looking, Steve

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Lovely images Steve. For the close up with the DFK, try AVI STACK - I've found it better than Registax.

I still use Registax for wavelets (but that only because I have tried in AVIStack yet). The close up image is very impressive.


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Did a rework, as Ant suggested, using AVStack 2.0. After overcoming a problem with the wrong CODEC, I've run this through the freeware program for stacking, and then used Registax for wavelet application, and then made a few tweaks and a small crop in photoshop.

Definately pleased with the result, so thanks to Ant for that, I wonder how it copes with the stills I took?


Thanks for looking, Steve

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