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ASIGN Observatory II is back on track!!


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Now that looks much more at home there than the (relatively) small refractor. Congratulations. 

Thank you!

That's it.....I'm finished reading your post.

Of course you know I'm kidding. 

You better be.... ;)

WOW!  Now that is a telescope to match the observatory.  Great stuff 

Looks much at home in there I agree. 

Hmm, that looks the business, now I see why you sold everything else?  It doesn't look that heavy, unless you have been working out a lot down the gym?  Not too many counter weights either.


It's 25kg and yes I have been going to the gym for a few weeks now.

This will fit perfectlly in my shed 

I can't wait to read the 1st review of it!

Not sure I'm qualified to write a review on this instrument....

See the cloud curse only exists in the UK. Let's emigrate en masse...  

Fabulous kit there!!

Clear skies here but so darned hot! 40 degree C days regularly now and 53 degrees in the dome.

Enjoy Baz, you've earned it mate.

Bless ya mate!

Absolutely!   Wonderful job 


Awesome bit of kit and well suited to the Obby, nice one mate.... 

More fitting than the little 120mm refractor yes.

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What a poser..... :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Just kidding mate. It's sods law. I was a sports photographer many moons ago and gave it up due to ill health.

Soon after selling all my pro cameras and long lenses, I was offered a big commission. :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Ok here you go. :thumbup:

After 30 hours of cutting, drilling, bolting and painting, ASIGN Observatory II is now sporting a very stylish pergola and banister over the front entrance.

And a bonus little screen grab of Johanna Griggs from the Better Homes and Gardens team with me on the observation deck.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Mike.

1. It's been couple of nights of rapid progression at ASIGN Observatory II. First night I got collimation of the mirrors sorted out.
2, 3 &4. Last night I had a fellow astronomer visit and help me through configuring of all the software that runs the telescope and cameras. Here's a few shots of the setup.
5 and finally, here's the first image (60 second single exposure) out of the new telescope through the deep space imager. It should be noted that there was nearly a full moon up and the mist filled the sky with poo. I can't wait to get a clear moonless night on some distant galaxies!
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More testing of the new optics. I still have lots of room for tweaking the focus, but I am still fighting a sky full of moonlight and moisture/smoke. Too many people in our bush capital still using wood fires for heating.

The first picture is a single subexposure of M82 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy of ten minutes, guided using an SBIG ST-i guide camera and the Orion Starshoot (V1) as the main imager. 

The second image is a single five minute subexposure of the Carina nebula.

Normally I would take twenty or thirty identical exposures, stack them together with dark, flat, offset/bias frames before exporting them to photoshop for final processing, so I'm pretty excited to see this level of detail, brightness and colour at the bottom of the pile.

Focus and collimation both need work, but that will come in time.



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  • 1 month later...

LOL... John, Tony, whatever..... :D

For those of my overseas friends that can't view the Manspace TV segment on their website, it is now on the home page of the ASIGN Observatory II website. 
I wonder how I can edit the video and dub over the bit that calls me John....
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  • 2 weeks later...

Barry, very well done with the observatory. Its amazing what a bit of elbow grease (and couple bucks) can accomplish.

I was in Canberra the other day and just amazes me the land potential especially for astrophotography and such (i'm in Wollongong so have to condent with BHP and Sydney).

If you were closer i'd buy you a beer just to pick your brain.

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  • 4 months later...

Inspirational for sure, that is the look of labours hard earned reward.  Baz apart from coveting your observatory I just love the notion of observing in shorts and T shirt.  I don't suspect dew or ice is much of a problem for you :p   Joking aside I wonder what the different climatic challenges are?   Do you experience much of a temperature gradient from day time to night  and does that give you any great problem.  All that aside I would love to observe in a warm and dry  climate for a change.    


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