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Sun In White Light 13-7-2012. 16:00

Steve Ward

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What a lovely day for Solar !

Eventually managed to grab 20 cloud sodden frames and then had all sorts of fun to get something out of the mire.

Quite pleased all things considered... :p


Very best sub I had !


Nice to see the new groups evolving overnight.

1000D + ST 120 + 1.75x Barlow ,

1/800s @ ISO 200.

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It's been wall-to-wall cloud here today, too. There was a hint of a lighter-coloured cloud to the west around 6pm, but that's gone now.

My wife got back earlier this evening from a week in Cornwall. Sounds like there aren't very many non-resident grockles down there at the moment compared with years that have a summer.


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It's been wall-to-wall cloud here today, too. There was a hint of a lighter-coloured cloud to the west around 6pm, but that's gone now.

My wife got back earlier this evening from a week in Cornwall. Sounds like there aren't very many non-resident grockles down there at the moment compared with years that have a summer.


Yes, it is strange James, you can actually go to places this summer with getting into traffic jams and the A30 is quiet at the weekends too.

Hope she had a good time though, it is still a great place to visit. (that's the holiday advert bit done!!!)

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