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Sun in H-Alpha from July 11th, various processings


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Hello there :)

Wednesday I took some images of the Sun with a tripod ( don't ask :D ), a Lunt 60 single stack and a DMK21. It was my first time imaging the whole disc of the Sun. I tried several processing versions, tell me if those are any good or should I go back to the drawing board :


Normal B&W version


Colorized B&W version


Negative effect and colorized ( my take of the "Alan Friedman Style" )

Comments and Critics welcome !

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I think I prefer #2, but #3 is very interesting.

How did you do version 3? also I'm assuming that as you used a DMK21 the image is a mosaic - I'd love to know how you managed to balance the brightness and contrast of all the frames. My mosaic looked OK, but you could clearly see that it was made from different frames.

Loving your work :)


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Thank you :)

Ant : Indeed, in fact those images are a single one which I processed differently. For the brightness and contrast balance between the pictures, I used the photomerge feature of Photoshop CS5, it does that automaticaly :D And #3 is just a negative of #1 then colorized and with more contrast. Hope that helps :) And thank you for the kind words about my work ;)

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