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Hello everyone on SGL, just a quick post as an introduction. My name is Kev,and I live in the N.E. of EnglandI.I'm 53,and am just returning to astronomy proper after about 35 years(!) I still have my original telescope from my teenage years- an Astro 90mm reflector, with a focal length of 840mm,which was bought from Dixons. I fished it out of my mam's loft a while back,but I'm afraid that the mirrors probably need re-silvering,rather than just a good clean. Over the intervening years I'd continued to be mildly interested in astronomy,but hadn't done any observing apart from picking out the constellations etc,for my own amusement.Last year my interest was re-kinldled by Stargazing live on t.v.,and ,after buying a couple of books,I invested in a pair of Celestron 15 x 70 binos and a cheap tripod. I was impressed by the views that I got of the winter skies (loads better than my old 10x50's).Of course I decided that I needed a new scope,and, as Astrobaby says on her site,I was amazed at what is now available to amateurs and just how much you can get for your money these days in comparison to the 1970's! Anyway,after much deliberation,I plumped for a Skywatcher 130p on an EQ2 mount.This seems to be ideal for my current needs,but needless to say,it hasn't had a great deal of use recently due to the weather (yes,the clouds are all my fault)! I've recently purchased a Cheshire to allow me to check the scope out properly,and I am learning the arcane skills of collimation. I must say that SGL is an absolutely brilliant forum,and is helping me tremendously in what is a steep learning curve to get me back up to scratch astronomically.Clear skies everyone.

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Thanks for the warm welcome folks! Dana,you got the origin of my username spot on.I've seen M or A? about 3-4 times- what's not to like about a band that use samples from awful (i.e.good) sci-fi B movies? I've also seen a spin off band called Servatron that dress up as robots(!!!). My friends reckon that I'm a connessieur of Rubbish!

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