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H-alpha images using Panasonic GF1

Odd Thomas

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Hi all.

Would I be able to use a Panasonic GF1 camera to get images of the sun through my H-alpha telescope?

The camera is standard and not modded in any way. Assuming I have all the necessary hardware / connectors etc.



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I assume it would be similar to using an un-modded DSLR. Only 1/4 of the detectors (red) will be significantly sensitive to H-alpha. Plus you will likely lose more sensitivity from the IR blocking filter. But even with that, there's a good amount of signal that can be picked up.

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The fact that it's un-modded wont make much difference at all, I wouldn't worry about that.

Now assuming that you could get the right adaptors and find focus which in itself will be your hardest challenge then I can't see why not as long as the GF1 lets you control the exposure lengths.

It would be a similar principle to using a dslr which has has it's challenges but is doable.

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