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Sun In White Light 10-7-2012. 16:30

Steve Ward

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Better weather = better photos.....and today was good....... :laugh:

Rain cleared at 4pm and the seeing just after was rather nice , gave me a chance to capture something worthy of my 500th post........ :grin:

1000D + SW ST120 + 1.75x , 2.8x and 3.6x Barlows .

1/1600s @ ISO 200 , 40/70 each Stacked and Tweaked in Reg5.

Full Disc with 1.75x.


Closer with 2.8x and slight crop.


Closer still with 3.6x and small crop.


Pretty darned pleased with these.... :biggrin:.......Where's the Happy Dance when you need it ?

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