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White light 5th July


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I've spent a lot of time on the moon and planets but this is my first attempt at solar imaging. Quickly knocked up a solar filter with Baader film and managed just one avi run between the clouds using my trusty 127 Mak at prime focus and DBK618.

The sun is very active atm and I'm quite pleased with the result but there is of course much to learn. Hopefully there will be a few more opportunities before "summer" is over. Just filling time really until Jupiter comes around :grin:




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Many thanks for your kind words Roger and Jim, but in the meantime I have been looking through the posts to get some pointers and I came across Stuart's (Space Cowboy) post re the clear film layer and quickly went to check mine only to find that in my hurry to get up and running I had also left the protective film on (come on, its not obvious and who reads instructions anyway) :eek:

Managed to remove it without too much damage I hope (perhaps a bit of strain in the film) so hopefully better things to come !

All I can say is a big thumbs up for SGL forums for keeping dummies like me on the right path :huh:


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The sun always shines on Cleethorpes, eh? :)

Nicely captured though. I too am very much looking forward to the next apparition of Jupiter. I've said elsewhere that so many people seem to have got into webcam imaging over the last six months or so, whether it be with SPC900s or Xbox cams or what have you that it promises to be a very interesting time. As long as the clouds break for those of us who aren't in Cleethorpes, obviously :)


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The sun always shines on Cleethorpes, eh? :)

Nicely captured though. I too am very much looking forward to the next apparition of Jupiter. I've said elsewhere that so many people seem to have got into webcam imaging over the last six months or so, whether it be with SPC900s or Xbox cams or what have you that it promises to be a very interesting time. As long as the clouds break for those of us who aren't in Cleethorpes, obviously :)


Oh yes always sunny, warm and clear skies, at least that's the impression from the tourist brochure :rolleyes: if only it were so, generally biting north easterlies to keep you alert and today, as with many days this summer, monsoon rain :eek:

But I agree with you, the Jupiter season promises many fine pictures from an increasing diversity of scopes and cameras ... really looking forward to it.



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