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sci-fi travel and the universe


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in films like alien or prometheus there is some sort of cryogenic freezing so a humans can travel to distant planets without aging taken care buy guidance systems and androids. my question is if there were no malfunctions and you could travel anywhere in the known universe, to any star/planet or even asteroid and comet where would you like to go. or are you content with the view from earth?

Tough question. The diversity of places and phenomena in our universe is so high that I would definitely like to visit... EVERYWHERE.

Mars and the Moon are my first targets :D But I would love to see with my eyes what's going on around the M42 Orion Nebula,

how other suns and planets of our Milky Way Galaxy look like, and what would be the view of the Milky Way from Andromeda Galaxy?

If we only had the technology ! :(

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Well o.k if we are assuming cybergenics then i am assuming very capable ships. Wow where to start, how about a journey through the upper clouds of the giant Jupiter. Peering through the thick pee soup of Titans atmosphere and seeing those methane lakes. How about a close up wiz over Saturns rings? The of course you have got those neutron boys! they must be pretty crazy close up.

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:laugh: I wouldn't mind going to the nearest intelligent civilisation to ours ( providing we're classing ourselves as Intelligent )

Truth be told, we don't.

I learnt on a documentary that scientist created a universal ranking of how advanced a species is. A species is either 1, 2 or 3.

Humans do not rank on this list.

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I learnt on a documentary that scientist created a universal ranking of how advanced a species is. A species is either 1, 2 or 3.

Humans do not rank on this list.

:spot on

A race of beings that does it's best to destroy an entire planets enviroment and yet still considers itself 'intelligent' is a race of beings that's going nowhere! .. never mind venturing out into the cosmos. That's what I call justice :)

My interpretation of 'intelligence' is living in harmony with the entire enviroment - ie, most other life forms on planet earth I consider 'intelligent'. Developing techno nohow is not a requirement.

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:spot on

A race of beings that does it's best to destroy an entire planets enviroment and yet still considers itself 'intelligent' is a race of beings that's going nowhere! .. never mind venturing out into the cosmos. That's what I call justice :)

My interpretation of 'intelligence' is living in harmony with the entire enviroment - ie, most other life forms on planet earth I consider 'intelligent'. Developing techno nohow is not a requirement.

i just think one day if the governments stay as they are, when we eventually get the capability to travel and land on a moon or planet that could sustain us (eventually) big CORP and other figures will mine and ravage the land and would start to colonize the "world" as if it was owed to them. i like the word HARMONY..... ive been deleting and re-writing things for the last 10 minutes i think this says it best though


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I would regard myself as one of the biggest sci-fi fanatics going and would relish the thought of travel through and beyond the solar system. However I think that seeing the cosmos and all it's wonders from our earthbound perspective is an enormous part of stargazing. Just realising that the light we're seeing has travelled for maybe billions of miles excites the imagination and makes us want to see more. I know I'm just beginning but I'm quite happy to be where I am and just wondering in awe :smiley:

(I'm not sure I agree with people's assessment of our "intelligence". Sure, we're far from perfect but we've got a long way to go. Just think of what we've achieved so far. Don't write us off just yet :shocked: )

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(I'm not sure I agree with people's assessment of our "intelligence". Sure, we're far from perfect but we've got a long way to go. Just think of what we've achieved so far. Don't write us off just yet :shocked: )

Many people see the word intelligent to mean that we can build cities, that we can invent computers, that we can work out (to a degree) what the laws of nature are and so on

Others, see the word intelligent to mean that we can see the consequences of out actions and try to avoid those that clearly endanger our world and all the inhabitants thereof.

I hope that I am one of the latter, because their are billions of other who take the first option and don't give a damn - what the hell we are going to die anyway - I think it might be a different story if our life spans were in thousands of years, because then we would still be around to suffer the consequences of our stupid action now.

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I among other places would love to go to the edge of the known universe and take a look at what's out there.


the edge of the known universe or the UNIVERSE lol if its the edge of the UNIVERSE then surely nothing is out there because if there was (as brian cox would put it) "stuff" out there then it couldnt be the edge

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I among other places would love to go to the edge of the known universe and take a look at what's out there.


Nothing is out there other than more universe... :smiley:. Seriously when we talk of the 'edge of the known universe' we are not talking about a physical 'edge', but just as far as we can see. Current thinking seems to be that you can head off in one direction but never come to a physical border or nothingness - all that happens is you just keep on traveling in the same universe and that the 'edge' will seem just as far away as it does from your starting point. Don't expect it to make much sense because in everyday terms it doesn't but it is the way that the universe behaves. Some think that space time will just send you around in a great big circle only to come back into the same piece of space that you left, but I am not sure that is a known 'fact' or just an hypothesis.

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Do any of you actually beleve we will reach a state of technological advancement to be able to travel the distances to see these things ? Sadly I think there is a greater chance we will have made this planet uninhabitable before we have the ability to move outside our solar system :mad:

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I have to say that I don't think the will is there amongst politicians to travel into space any more - well not at the moment anyway. If it hadn't been for JFK's statement and the race with the Russians, I feel we still wouldn't have got to the moon. I don't feel we did it for the right reasons either, we did to 'stick to them Russians' and that everything that came from it was just a bonus.

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I hate to say it but I think your right Richard, the only chance of getting beyond the boundary of our home system will be if there is a technological quantum leap on the lines of cold fusion, or some other breakthrough harnessing gravity maybe, and I'm not sure we will ever become that advanced. :sad:

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I hate to say it but I think your right Richard, the only chance of getting beyond the boundary of our home system will be if there is a technological quantum leap on the lines of cold fusion, or some other breakthrough harnessing gravity maybe, and I'm not sure we will ever become that advanced. :sad:

.... you don't mention the third option Bingo, that we actually get to meet an alien race - now wouldn't that be grand :smiley: (well I hope it would anyway :huh: :huh: )

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i think it would be more like the program "falling skies" they wipe us out for our resources taking a leaf out of our history books. and i do think although it was a short term jfk was a good president and we would of made more advancements into space had he lived longer. governments arent bothered about the exploration of space im surprised the corporations behind them haven't tried to mine the moon yet and take all its resources. they probably thought people might notice :p but on a serious note its one of the problems i see if we did have the technology, say we find a planet with silver and iron, copper or any other useful material, the first thing on the governments mind would be to take it, we messed up our own planet well lets get started on this one. i think not only do we need to focus on space travel instead of weapons but also on our philosophy as the human race.

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I take your point about business. Can you imagine pointing your scope at the moon and all you can see is light reflecting of of buildings and vehicles as they make huge ugly scars across its face as they mine out the ore that they want. Too hideous to contemplate, but I guess it will happen as they have no worries about doing it too the Earth :embarrassed:

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