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TAL 2 vs Skywatcher 150pl

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I understand these are almost identical ie 150mm primary and 1200mm fl (F8)

There is the legendary tank like build quality of the TAL (just like my TAL1) but what about the Skywatcher build quality and more importantly the optics.

I'm already leaning toward the TAL 2 but you never know?

Any feedback on either scope would be appreciated.

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Are you looking at new or used? Can you get both used? Perhaps sell on one afterwards at moderate or little loss?

Much of my kit has been bought used before selling the old kit. This has allowed a side by side comparison before deciding what to keep.

I my view (no pun intended) there is no substitute for two tripods, or a dual scope mount, or swapping eyepeices.

Always on the same objects at the same time.

You also get mix and match parts in case you decide on (for example) the TAL tank mount & SW optics.

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The TAL2 I had briefly in my possession as club custodian was an outstanding instrument. I find it doubtful that any other scope out there can show relief in the mountains of a full Moon like that did. It left me with a lasting desire for a 6" f/8 newt of my own even though such a scope makes no sense considering what I have in the way of scopes now. However, the TAL2 has a feature absent from every other mass produced newt available, i.e. thread baffling throughout the entire interior of the OTA, which I suspect is responsible for its outstanding contrast. That alone has deterred me from considering any other brand should I ever act to satisfy my longing. OTOH I expect I'd remount the scope to one of my other EQ mounts and replace the focuser (not that it would be needed just because I'd want something a little more attractive).

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Here is a review of the Skywatcher 150PL by Ade Ashford who used to write for Sky & Telescope and Astronomy Now:


The scope seems to do pretty well even against the somewhat exotic Orion Optics 6" F/11 newtonian.

The TAL 2's are quirky but have a great reputation. I think their primary mirrors were spherical rather than parabolic, not that it matters that much at F/8.

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I really don't think it matters which you get they will both perform very well. personally, I am not keen on EQ mounts so would tend to buy the OTA and make a dob mount. so in your shoes, if you were me, I'd buy the SW and make a dob mount.

I have one of the 'collector's piece' (in the words of OOUK) 6" f11 OOUK dobs and it's a truly amazing scope, especially when combine with my home made equatorial platform.

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if you can get your mitts on the TAL 150P8, all the better. it is basically the T2 update but chances are you will have to get it from the Eurozone as Optical Vision dont bring them in. (like almost the rest of the TAL range, to which i say "booh...BOOH!!"

Try house of optics (German site)

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