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Astronomy Buy and Sell


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I really like this site. It's got good items that save you lots on the RRP, and you're generally dealing with proper astronomers who give you great service and can usually help you out on your decision a bit.


I really don't want to sound a cynic or upset anyone here, but buying expensive equipment from a site without a feedback system, where addresses or identities aren't confirmed, where pictures are not always posted, and where anyone can join, are you not making a big risk that the item is yet another fraud?

So far I haven't had a bad experience with ABS, but it only takes one ********** to rob you of potentially a few grand.

Since Astronomy is quite a small, tight-knit community, I would imagine most of ABS sellers are known about on this forum, so would it be acceptable to ask about particular sellers when buyign from them?

Please don't hit me :D


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Andrew you make a valid point.

I have listed a few items on ABS for sale and wanted and have been deluged with scam / fraud offers.

Problem is, even to my trained eye, its not always easy to tell if you're dealing with a genuine person or a hoax!

Threre a some definite no-nos :nono: when doing internet business

1.never give out your personal details until your'e absolutely 110% who you dealing with

2. get them to supply you with their tel no and contact them by phone to confirm their identity

3. No bank a/c, addresses, phone numbers to be given out

5. If possible go and inspect the item personally, and collect it physically + pay then


4. If its too good to be true, it probably is!

Watch out there, the net is infested with crooks who will do anything to take your cash.

You have been WARNED!

Over and Out.

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I've used AB&S a couple of times over the last few months - in each case I've bought off someone who whilst not being an SGL member was known to other SGL members and have had no trouble from it. I would hesitate to buy anything from someone whose identity I couldn't confirm through someone else... which is why I never use things like eBay.

Maybe I need to conquer my fears... :?


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Andrew you make a valid point.

I have listed a few items on ABS for sale and wanted and have been deluged with scam / fraud offers.

Problem is, even to my trained eye, its not always easy to tell if you're dealing with a genuine person or a hoax!

Threre a some definite no-nos :nono: when doing internet business

1.never give out your personal details until your'e absolutely 110% who you dealing with

2. get them to supply you with their tel no and contact them by phone to confirm their identity

3. No bank a/c, addresses, phone numbers to be given out

5. If possible go and inspect the item personally, and collect it physically + pay then


4. If its too good to be true, it probably is!

Watch out there, the net is infested with crooks who will do anything to take your cash.

You have been WARNED!

Over and Out.

good tips - thanks.

The guy selling the C100 on ABS has posted on the forum so should be no bothers there.

I hope no-one gets scammed, because it woudl be a shame for the site. But should it happen I trust the victim will make the seller/buyer known...


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After a few years you get to 'know' or at least recognize most of the names on AstroBuySell, the vast majority are good guys who just want to sell a bit of astro gear in order to fund some other astro gear. If in doubt just start a thread on SGL with a 'What do you think of this?' type of title.

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Having said that, theres a dodgy *beep* selling a Revelation 80 on there at the moment. I'd trust him about as far as I could throw him! :D

Yeah, I heard he's moody as a nine bob note!! :)

I've bought a few things off of AB&S and with the execption of one, all the transactions have been problem free due to the previously mentioned fact that you'd expect stargazers to look after their kit. Feedback systems are all well and good but they get abused (see Ebay), there is still an element of instinct involved and unfortunately things do go wrong as I've found out myself recently. I believe that possibly the safest way is to buy things from a fellow forumite on here as if it all goes pear-shaped, it should be sorted out easily as we're all grown-ups (well, most of us!) here.


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I have bought both my scopes, and several eyepieces, from the original, Canadian, :D Astro Buy & Sell and have had no problems at all. In the case of both the scopes, the seller was a fairly frequent flyer, and the frac was being sold by a young gentleman in London, Ont, who has a stellar reputation. The eps that I've bought all came through with no trouble at all. I've negotiated on a couple of items, and the sellers have seemed a little nervous and unsure of themselves, but not dodgy. At present, I buy and sell on this site with perfect confidence.

The Canadian site includes a page with warnings about scams. I haven't looked for it on the UK site.

I think it's a really good idea to buy used equipment. If it hasn't been thrown down the stairs or allowed to get dirty, it will still perform as new. You occasionally see things like "a couple of dents on the OTA which don't affect performance." Well, my Newt has a couple of dents that don't affect performance, so I am comfortable with that level of disclosure. My Newt came from Alberta, so I bought it having only seen the photos. It is still a perfectly good scope, and a good performer. It cost me half of the new price, and the frac about 2/3 of the new price.

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UK Astrobuysell worked OK for me several times. Idem Ebay. I think REGULAR online buying and selling are still "one for the enthusiast". I have made some useful money selling items, but rarely, when new, at their (IMO) "true" worth. I sense it's still basically a "buyer's market", with lots of "quibblers" and little return to be made... Unless you just buy/resell S/H stuff? :(

As someone once observed of Ebay (and "Crooks" notwithstanding) where else could you get the kind of SERVICE offered by most sellers? Often superlative packing, cheap prices. A few quid saved on "extras" too? Blimey, if I charged a "professional rate" for TIME - work done on packing, walking to / queueing at post office, etc., I'd never have sold anything? :)

More "Six o' one" etc. this buying/selling. Caveat emptor covers most eventualities? :D

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IMHO "Astro Buy 'n' Sell is a great resource for buying second hand astro kit.

In my personal experience when i have been buying/selling from someone i have never heard of, I use the resources at hand ie Stargazers/UKAI/Astro Ads.

You will find that places like these are a fantastic source of info with regards to buyers/sellers.

I would advise any buyer/seller to do a behind the scenes search/check "Even when you think you know the seller/buyer" Sad i know but a fact of life these days.

Just my 2p worth....

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Thanks Jamie,

IMHO "Astro Buy 'n' Sell is a great resource for buying second hand astro kit.

In my personal experience when i have been buying/selling from someone i have never heard of, I use the resources at hand ie Stargazers/UKAI/Astro Ads.

I have often thought of asking about a particular seller on this forum, but have been put of for fear of upsetting the person in question should they read it.

How do you use the resources actually? I haven't seen you posting queries about anyone...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I must admit that I've wondered what would happen if the scammers found ABS.

I've had good experiences on the site. I'm a trusting soul but my wife was a bit worried when I said I'd deposited a fair chunk of money into someones bank account for my TV85. However I had spoken on the phone and he had bought and sold a fair few items so I felt comfortable with the deal. He was an older chap that cleary knew his stuff, if he'd sounded vague and a bit of a wide boy I wouldn't have done it. Sure enough it arrived the next morning, phew.

Picking up the item is the safest of course but use your instinks and background checking is no bad thing.

If anything sounds dodgy, walk away.


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I believe the gentlemen that run AB&S are part of the astronomical community, and keep an eye out for scammers. I was attracted to the site by the fact that, unlike eBay, the majority of buyers and sellers are active astronomers who know their stuff. You do occasionally see someone trying to sell off a Bushnell using the whizz-bang terminology from the carton, but that's usually some Dad whose kid has got tired of the bad views.

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I must admit that I've wondered what would happen if the scammers found ABS.

They have, oh indeed :whip2:

I have received numerous scam mails about wanted / for sale equipment ive posted.

Even tracked one down to Nigeria, yip :lol:

Now they even trying to pretend to be selling their own equipment in answer to wanted ads.

They'll stop at nothing these *ss creeps....tho my err polite :wink: replies usually silence them :D

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IMOH there is as much risk of being ripped on ebay as on sgl.

things such as min number of posts before selling, and so on could help.

not only this but also having it where if much money is being dealt with, then perhaps pay half now andf half on delivery?

To be fair i have spent close to £1000 on items on SGL, buying an LX10 meade, and a 5 inch refractor, along with mount, i never had any issues.

only main problem was getting money to the vendors. (BANKS!)

just my opinion


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My SW 120ST was on ebay, and I watched to see what price it would make, failed to reach the reserve at £115 +p&p.

A few days later it turned up on Astro Buy & Sell at £120 + p & p, contacted the guy and got it for the £120 inc p & p. Knew it was the same scope as the photo was the same, ota on a AZ3 with the ep upside down and same back ground 8) It arrived safely within the week. No problems with using Astro B & S, will do again when the purse strings are slack enough.

Also, I have had some real good buys of this forum, because astro people generally look after their kit, and would like to sell honestly, knowing they will be able to buy honestly. ( If that makes sense, please tell me :wink:)


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I just went to the page on fraud attempts at Astro Buy & Sell. It is amazing how often the following terminology appears:

Please tell me the present working condition? and the

last asking price?

( Item )

Are you the first owner? and how about the receipt of

the order?

How long it been in your care?

Hope to hear from you,soonest.

This along with the impossibly bad grammar indicating that the person is not a native English speaker, and the request to receive a cheque from a third party and forward the money less your price, and to use Western Union to forward your payment.

If I got a response like this, I would simply reply that I won't deal on these terms.

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