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Moon from my Bedroom Window


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If you did not see the picture you would not believe it. Living in the capitol of Scotland and i have cows in my back garden! Light pollution aint too bad, I was out looking at the Milky Way the other night!

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If you think windmills are not an eyesore,then come up to the north a look. :x

The're built on beautiful unspoilt areas and stick out like a sore thumb,also what is the point of them

if they are not used to give power to the local area,its fed into the national grid for the benefit of people down south in the cities which means power losses because of the long distance transmission.bit like having a windmill or solar panel in your garden and instead of using it to power your house wire it up to someone who lives 100 miles away. :?

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OK Dont want to turn this thread in to something it was not supposed to be :)

The wind farms feed in to the national grid, this power is available to everyone. If it was kept local that would mean that the local community would be disconnected from the national grid and when the windfarm was offline due to high wind etc you would get no power. As far as I undertsand the national grid is what all power generating stations are connected to and it is the sum of all their power that is suplied to homes etc. Thus I dont see how wind farm power can be shipped anywhere!

Eyesore? Well take your pick Nuclear power station or Windfarm? I know what I would rather have in my back garden! I honestly dont think they spoil anything. I think they are very elegant looking things. Anyway I dont want this to turn in to a thread against windfarms it is just my personal opinion and everybody is entitled to their own :D

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It's a very nice picture. Just be prepared for everyone turning up at your place with their telescopes!

Thanks Geoff,

let's stick to "Beautiful capture" and "I'm jealous of the nice skies you must get there" kind of comments and leave the power debating for another thread, if not another forum!


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