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Astronomers Nutrition - Carrots??


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As a son of a keen nutritionist, I am keen to know your opinions on nutrition for astronomers.

What I'm mainly talking about is carrots... good for night vision or jsut a myth?? I think I'm right in saying that beta carotene - an orange compound present in carrots is "good for your eyes", to put it in layman's terms. But to what extent does this make a real impact on our ability to pick out detail from those faint fuzzies?

Are there any natural foods that are known to improve your vision in the dark and would benefit us visual astronomers?


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During World War II, the British Royal Air Force invented the myth tying carrots to clear, sharp vision as a way to explain the sudden increase in [removed word] bombers being shot down. A disinformation campaign spread the rumor that British fighter pilots were eating carrots to improve their vision, when in reality the British had a new radar system they wanted to keep secret from Germany. The story caught on though, and it remains popular to this day. But although there is a grain of truth to the claim, most people will not experience positive changes in their vision from eating carrots unless they have a vitamin A deficiency.

The best thing to do to keep your vision is

1. don`t smoke

2.keep your weight down- diabetes is one of the leading coases of blindness in the western world.

3.get regular glaucoma checks if you have a family history.

4.eat healthily- 5 portions fruit and veg a day (not potatoes but happily tomato sauce counts!!).

5.be wary of psuedoscience claims- (I won`t go into this , don`t want to start an argument!!)

There is some evidence that beta carotene supplements cause more damage than good(particulary in smokers). If you want to get the right balance and keep healthy eat a good balanced diet ( it doesn`t have to be organic either- whilst it proberly is best to avoid pesticides- non organic fruit and veg is better than a kebab!!).

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Carrots are good but like most food items should be eaten in moderation. I had an interesting chat with my doctor a while back on an unrelated matter and raised eyesight and he said that nutrition was important as was avoiding exposure to the sun (if sunny wear UV blocking sunglasses) and he also said lots of sleep, improved fitness and weight control were all important and affected all kinds of things even eyesight to some extent. I fall over on all three of those unfortunately being sleep deprived, unfit and overweight :nono:


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Blimey some of you eat healthier than some of the elite athletes trying for quota places at the Olympics.

Perhaps Astronomy should become an Olympic sport?

The 100 metre sprint competitors to carry 3x11lb counterweights or the 50 metre backstroke carrying 3x11 lb counterweights.

The javelin with a refractor?

Any more?

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How about a 'Synchronised Goto Team'? 8)

Six or more scopes in formation on Goto mounts all moving to the same point at the same time,pause,then on to the next designated object....etc!


Trailing multicoloured smoke :shock:


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How about a 'Synchronised Goto Team'? 8)

Six or more scopes in formation on Goto mounts all moving to the same point at the same time,pause,then on to the next designated object....etc!


To a Disco Soundtrack?

Or maybe the planets suite?


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