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Clouds, Clouds and More Clouds!


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Perhaps it's the astronomy gods sending you a message that you spend time in other endeavors :Envy:

Be patient - they will go away eventually. Meantime, use the time for preparing a nice night's observing plan so when it does clear, you will be able to make the best of it.

As I always think, abscence of clear night skies makes my heart grow fonder for them and when they do return, I make the best of them. Think of it this way - if you had every night with clear skies, wouldn't you get bored eventually? Clouds are the astronomy gods way of making us all appreciate those special glorious clear night skies when they do appear.

So cheer up, before you know it, you'll be out :rolleyes2:

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Mr. Q: what you said makes sense :)

But for me it's just a matter of habits: I come from a place where, as a kid, I would see almost no clouds and no rain at all for 2 years in a row and from March to October skies would be always perfectly clear every year. In Ireland it works exactly the way around: I woud see no clear skies for 2 years in a row :D

Moreover, before purchasing the telescope, there were so many beautiful nights down here.

Then, as soon as I opened the new telescope box, a big cloud came out and the sky with all the stars disappeared :S

Or maybe I just turned my attention to it much more then before :)

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