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Something to aim for.


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Firstly, theres a reason for this thread. Basically I have been ill over the last few months. After much putting off and excuses, I have finally been to the doctors and been diagnosed with severe depression.

Anyway rather than going into details, one of the things my GP has told me to do is aim for something new in one of your hobbies. She suggested swim a mile in a swimming pool, walk up a mountain in wales or after a chat, she mentioned winning a Warhammer tournament. However I have won a Warhammer tournament so thats no real challenge.

So whats better than an astro challenge?! Well having seen most of the messier catalogue and some of the NGC entries, I really want to push my imaging equipment to the max.

So heres what I have.

10" Dob

Finepix S6500 Digi Cam

Cannon Powershot A70

Various Eyepieces

Adaptor thingy majig to fit the S6500 to

Same for the A70

Now I know Nebula and such are out the question atm until I get a Laptop or borrow my mom fella's when he comes back from Ukraine which means I will have to get a webcam adaptor, if so which one? and does one size fit all so to speak?

Double stars might be an idea? I don't want to step on Ian's toes on that though, He's the star man around here!

Has anyone got any ideas or a challenge for me to do? I know this might sound daft, but if I have got something to aim for, (even if it's just to prove to you lot I can do it :D ) It might make have the motivation to get off my fat Bottom and get out there with the scope!

I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks guys.


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I have been thinking of making something like a high(ish) resolution Moon Map. With a webcam you get in quite close and even I managed to make a mosaic of my images. All thats left would be to recognise all the craters and name them on the map.

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How long a period of time do you want the challenge to run over Kain? A long term project which would really set you working would be a whole sky mosaic image. This will take years but would really be something. It would take a good bit of thought on equipment, exposures to use and locations. Would take a few years I guess! The only down side to this is that it is quite an introspective thing to do and wont necessarily have the desired effect. Therefore an alternative that would help bring you out of yourself a bit would be to organise a star party for some time in the spring.

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Very sorry to hear that you have not been well Kain.

I admire your determination to take on a challenge. I don't feel experienced/qualified to comment on your astro set up but may I suggest that you take your GP's advice and incorporate a physical workout into your routine. Swimming is great for relaxation and exercise supposedly releases endorphines (the bodies natural high)!! Many times I have felt very, very low but a bike ride or a swim always lifts me up!

Good luck with your challenge and I hope you feeling better soon.

Best Wishes

Bill£ :D

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Well having seen most of the messier catalogue and some of the NGC entries, I really want to push my imaging equipment to the max.

How about imaging the Messiers? :)

I'm not sure if your latitude will let you get all of them, but you can do the ones within your reach. Also, if your imaging equipment can handle widefield night photos, you can try capturing some Noctilucent clouds.

When Mother Nature turns on the nightlight, do some lunar imaging. Whether you'll be working with high or low power, Luna 's got plenty of fascinating and absolutely stunning targets.

Inconstant Moon has night-by-night guides which point out some highlights, and it even has a basic lunar atlas.

If you need a better one though, I recommend downloading the Virtual Moon Atlas. It's an excellent resource and it's free! The VMA 'Basic' version on this page is more than sufficient for the average lunar observer. (Gee, can you tell I love the Moon? :D)

Best of luck with whatever project you choose, and I hope you're feeling better and better every day. :(

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I'm not going to go into details but I understand where you might be coming from Kain. I'm off work ATM following something very similar. Funnily enough I've set myself the goal of trying to master webcam imaging and mapping the moon plus readying myself for Mars.

I truly wish you well, I hope you find the right goal to set.(not too large or difficult!)

I can't see my self returning the job, but have decided to take the plunge and set up a business, completely different to anything I've done before but something which I have a flare for and a passion gardening

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Hi Kain

Firstly depression is more common than you might think, I believe something like 1 in 4 of the population are suffering from it at any one time, and age has no real bearing. Young or old, it makes no difference.

I guess its indicative of the pressures placed upon people, especially young people like yourself, in the 21st century.

However, it need only be a 'blip', and the most important factors on the road to recovery are, to admit that you are actually depressed, and to be forward looking and positive in dealing with it.

You have now taken both of these steps, and I have great admiration for you for doing that. It also takes a degree of courage to admit to others that you are suffering in this way, perhaps more especially for a man, as it might not fit in with the 'macho' image we are 'supposed' to display.

Take it from me, it takes a 'bigger man', to admit to it, than one who feels the need to hide it, and you've certainly won my respect there!!

Remember, talking about it to friends and family helps a lot, and you have a lot of friends here on this forum.

So, focussing your mind on a 'project' and getting into it, will get the old Serotonin flowing again, and make you feel a whole lot better.

I go along with the Moon vote, as its a target that will bring good results quickly, and if you want a 'goal' to aim for, look at Pete Lawrence's Moon images.

Remember the BT advert, 'its good to talk', believe me it is, so keep talking to us Kain.


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Sorry to hear of your issue kain, same thing roughly happened to me a couple of years ago, I let the stress of my work ect get on top of me and basically it led to a heart attack at the grand old age of 40. Not good in anyones books, but I like you was told to basically give myself less stressful things to do. The astro project sounds a good idea But, but and i use it in general terms, you may find you are at pressure at times to get the next bit done and that can be a set back.

I dont know how fit you are generally, but I started using fitness as a way to calm myself down and it is a brilliant way to do it, another way to calm things is to adopt a sort of karma, i always thought it was nonsense when the cardio nursing team used to get me to lay down on the floor in a darkened room and basically listen to slow melodic music, it works a treat and afterwards i felt like id always had 8 hours sleep. Ok so for the project, run the London marathon for charity, as you are into astronomy, run the marathon for the blind, for those who may never see some of the things you see.

Dont run in next years one, run in the one the year after, use your time to train gently and to make contact with a charity, I have done a few less tyring things as running with my heart condition now is a no no, but I do work for amnesty international and write letters and campaign for prisoners of conciense. Think about it, youll never look back.

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you can try capturing some Noctilucent clouds.

Take a look in the misc image forums, NLC clouds are one of my specialities :D

Webcam imaging is something I want to try, If I can talk my Moms fella into bringing his laptop home when he comes back from Ukraine, I will have a couple of weeks to play with it - Though I have a Creative webcam, no idea if that will fit the standard webcam converter thingy, but I'm sure Steve (Or Greg!!) will know :)

The moon is also something I'm going to continue to work on, I want to get some more close ups of some of the famous craters and features. Clavus, Tycho, Rupes Recta are some of my main ambitions to image. Again I usually use my A70 for moons, but the webcam will probably better.

I also want to try this stacking business. I have deep sky stacker and registax and both I have no idea what I'm doing! I usually end up with an over exposed mess!!

Martin, Love your idea of a full sky map, but I think ATM is abit out of my league. I wouldn't mind when I have abit more cash getting a cheapish refractor to try imaging planets, maybe a better goal is to try and image all the planets - Even Pluto which I have seen (watched it's motion over a week or sows viewing, had to be Pluto the way it moved)

I really want to start imaging, but as a few good mates told me on another forum, you have to aim to get the maximum out the equipment you have.

I'm hopefully going to get the scope out tonight, and see if I can image a few double stars. Not that exciting (Wait's for a slap off Ian) but it's going to be the first proper step on my imaging journey.


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I used a old creative web cam, all I did was whip the lens out and use a 35mm film case fixed onto the plastic, it worked ok on the moon using K3ccd.

Tell you what send me your details via PM and you can have it for free as I wont be using it again, it should get you started, and make you feel better. :(:)

You will need a lead for it though same one that plugs into the rear of most printers.

You might have to load some drivers from the net, but it will keep you occupied for those :D nights.


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Glad you're starting to get sorted Kain, it can't be a lot of fun.

Could you cross a tarantula with a scorpion? That would be a real challenge, but if you get it to work it'll be great!

On a serious note WRT your astro-imaging idea, would snapping the ISS appeal? Its almost got to be easier with a Dob. that anything else, set up the camera, hold the shutter and aim with the finder. You might get a real cracker that way, but I don't know. Phil might have more of a clue.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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If you're after images, the Moon would be great. Plenty to see there, and endless variation in lighting, even of the same object.

But consider something visual as well. Maybe seeing how faint you can go.

A pet project of mine is planetary nebulae, but I always needed more aperture. With a 10", you should be able to go deep enough to see bunches of PN's. Uou'd need a UHC filter too, though.

Best of luck!

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Why not compile a 'My Sky Month' photographic journal with images of the heavens as seen from your back yard? Wide views and 'close ups' of objects you find of particular interest or beauty,including the Moon. It wouldn't have to be 'Hires ' and should prove a worthwhile objective achievable with the gear you already have. I for one would be intrested in seeing another astronomers local 'skyscapes' over a period of time. Ever changing scenes,much like cloudscapes really.:D(Well, a bit like cloudscapes anyway.)

Keep smiling


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I suffer from mild depression, and take medication for it. It works, and taking another pill is a lot better than going into those episodes that would have me in the dumper for weeks at a time.

Best of luck with whatever project you take on, Kain.

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I would be more than happy for you to image doubles. Although I will keep my toes out of the way. :D

I have used my s5600 for a few wider colourful double so I can see the star fields around them.

I use the 15 second max on the camera, don't know what the s6500can do.

15seconds gets me down to Mag11/12 with the 8" scope.



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Kain i have a suggestion for you mate.

Now i'm not trying to be a smarty pants here (there are valid reasons for this suggestion)

Get yer self a job mate....

It doesn't need to be a 40 grand a year number just something to occupy your mind/time

and boost your self esteem.

Plus it would give you some money to afford the things you want.

I have also had a fit of depression a while back and the best thing i did was immerse my self

in my work. (but thats just me)

Seriously mate think about getting a job i promise it will help...

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My job has me working with people with depression and I've personally experienced/ing it. It is a very personal and unique experience and although all the "advice" and posts here on the thread have been written with nothing but Kain's well-being in mind, I do feel that the best advice is take the advice of a professional.That is your GP/Psychiatrist/Psychologist/Counsellor.

Cures will differ to each and everyone of us since it is invariably linked to our own personal experiences, history and emotional make-up.

Wish you well Kain


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