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1100D with a 5x Barlow

Mr Moff

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I was just wondering if many people use a 5x Barlow with their DSLR. If so do you get good planetary shots?

Also which barlows are threaded? I've been thinking of getting a 5x televue power mate but I'm not sure if they're threaded or not?

Any thoughts?

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Danny, I tried the once... I ended up using a 5x and 2, 2x barlows and even then barely got any image scale out of it. The sensor of an SLR is just too big. I don't know about using Video, but then mine doesn't support video natively.

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Thanks John, so would I be better maybe picking up a Hyperion eyepiece for planetary shots for attaching to a DSLR?

Reason I ask is that I don't have a PC for attaching a webcam,so my options are limited for planetary shots. I've got a universal adaptor for attaching my point and click camera but lining it up perfectly with a high power eyepiece is a real pain.

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That's a great guide you've done there squeaky, thanks for that.

I've bookmarked it so I can keep referring to it.:hello2:

Just make sure you remember that it's aimed at a specific camera, so doesn't cover any precise details for your Canon - but the general techniques should apply as long as you get the correct adaptor(s) for your own camera.

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Just make sure you remember that it's aimed at a specific camera, so doesn't cover any precise details for your Canon - but the general techniques should apply as long as you get the correct adaptor(s) for your own camera.

Thanks mate,I've just had a look at which adaptors I've got here and I do have the camera T piece plus the skywatcher threaded Barlow. I should be able to slot that straight into a power mate.

I've just been doing some math with your equation on your page and was wondering,

If I do 8x my focal length of 1000 = 8000

Then divide 8000 by 300 I get x26 mag for the camera without a Barlow.

Is there a way of adding say a 10mm eyepiece into it to workout the mag of the DSLR plus the 10mm ep?

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Probably. Somewhere. But I don't know where you can find the formula, sorry.

You will almost certainly be exceeding the maximum practical magnification of your scope if you use a 10mm EP in the train...

Using my own known figures...

Prime focus mag without a barlow = 40

Using a 5x Powermate would give approx mag = 200

Then adding a 10mm EP which in a normal situation would give a mag of x150 on my scope is going to send me way above my nominal max useful magnification of x600. Thinking about "normal" a 5x powermate and a 10mm EP would give me 5 x 150 = 750 magnification. Too much. A 2x Barlow and a 10mm might be workable at approx 300.

Even if I only use a x2 barlow for a basic of x80 when using Prime Focus I think a 10mm EP is going to pushing my luck.

But there's only going to be one way to find out :hello2:

I have LOADS of experimentation to get done yet to find out what works and what doesn't. There haven't been a lot of clear skies lately.

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Sorry, I meant a calculation for the camera on its own attached to a 10mm Hyperion without a Barlow.:)

I've got the Hyperion adaptor here so was thinking if my camera gives x26 on its own what would an eyepiece take it to?

Every question I have answered seems to bring me to at least 2 more questions. My brain is just gonna melt someday.:hello2:

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Still don't know the answer, sorry.

I'm only one very small step ahead of you in this, still very new to it myself and, since you have a different set of kit to mine, I can't offer anything more than basic general advice.

There are plenty of 1100D users around, so there's bound to be someone who can tell you precisely what does and doesn't work. There ought to be loads on google that can help you too.

EDIT: Does this site help you to work it out...? Use CCDCalc The New CCD Astronomy Home Page a free utility to show you how some objects will be framed using your set up.

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That's ok mate no worries. I think I'll try a Hyperion 10mm or maybe 8mm just to see how it goes. I fancied trying one anyway so I'll update here with a few shots once I've tried it. Both eyepieces are in stock as well.:hello2:

I feel lots of experimenting coming on.:)

Btw badgers that Saturn image looks great. I did try downloading that program in the link but it doesn't work on iPad. Was still worth a try though.

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EDIT: Does this site help you to work it out...? Use CCDCalc The New CCD Astronomy Home Page a free utility to show you how some objects will be framed using your set up.

That looks ace but it won't download onto an iPad.

However I've just sent a text to a mate and asked him to download it. Hopefully I can slip round later for a play.

Thanks for that.

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'magnification' is the wrong way to think about it for imaging. Just think about image scale on the chip, pixel size and f ratio. For planetary imaging you want to be at about f/20 or so.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Thanks Rik. The reason I'm trying to think about magnification is that if I pickup a Hyperion eyepiece for attaching to the DSLR I don't want there to be too much,to the point of it being unusable.

I don't have room at the moment for another scope,so I'm trying to make the best out of what I have here.

An 8mm Hyperion should be a reasonable amount of mag, I'm just not sure how the cameras mag will work with it, hence why I'm considering maybe a 10mm instead.

Still at least I've got until tomorrow before the shops open to decide.(I can't find a smilley to insert)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a good discussion - it's quite confusing to move from thinking about magnification when Obs and just scale when imaging.

I do however want to up the "mag" or scale for imaging. However I am worried about focus ability, my 3x TAL will not allow my Canon 1100D to focus for example.

Do all Powermates reach focus with a DSLR by design? What adapters are there to overcome (if any?).

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