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Televue 5x power mate.

Mr Moff

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Hiya guys,I was wondering if anyone has tried one of these as I would like to get some planetary shots with my 1100d.

It mentions that it can be used prime focus wise but the top doesn't look threaded for attaching the T piece?

Web cams aren't an option for me so this appears to be the best way for planetary shots.

This is just for the camera,I don't plan on using it with any eyepieces.

Will this attach straight to the 1100d?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should be able to get a T-ring to 1.25" converter for the camera I think. Why are webcams not an option, out of interest? They are a good solution for planetary imaging.

One of the main issues with powermates and barlows is whether the scope captures enough light to create a usable image once the powermate/barlow has done its job. I have no idea how the combination will work for you I have to admit, but it's possible that on dim targets there just won't be enough light on the camera sensor pixels to create a decent image. The only way to find out may be to try it.


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