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Sun white light testing


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Hi all,

It´s always good to test new fields of imaging in advance - especially when such a rare event is coming.

So I purchased a Baader AstroSolar foil (visual type) and crafted a holder from cardboard matching the dewshield of my TOA 130S.

Imaging was done with the TIS DMK21AU618, at direct focus of f=1000mm and also using a 2x Barlow. Testing LRGB filters too, I got best results using the R-filter - compared to the L one.

Results are from 2012.05.28, I stacked the 250 best frames out of approx. 1500 using Registax 6.0. Gradient curve was very slightly corrected with PS3.

Now I`m daily observing the weatherforecast for Southern Germany and at the moment the chance for rain is at 20% for the 06. June :hello2: not too bad at all !!!

see ya and clear skies to all of you for best viewing and observing of the Venus transit.


comments are very appreciated

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