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Celestron Skyprodigy

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Hi All - Owing to a worsening disability I'm having a re-think on my scopes, does anyone know if the Celestron Skyprodigy mount is available without scope as I wish to use my current scopes and if indeed they would be compatible (assuming the dovetail is standard on the Prodigy)

Skywatcher 130 and a 102 mat.

Thank you

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I have had a look on the internet to see if this mount can be purchased separately and it looks like it can't. Being Celestron's answer to Meade's Lightswitch set up, its not surprising that they want bundle it out with a scope as well as this helps maximises profits (or hides true cost of each item). I know that First Light Optics sell this set up so it might be an idea to drop them a line to see what's possible, though I suspect it might mean waiting till after the initial launch before it can be purchased separately.


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Hi PercyP, I had a look at one of these in the flesh at a recent exhibition, the scope and electronics appear to be fine, but the tripod it is mounted on, looks as if vibration could be a problem, as the tripod is IMHO a Little on the light side. I may be a bit unfair here, as I have not actually used one, but if one of the forum members has one, I am sure they will make comment sooner or later :(


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these look like the SLT, but with an additional camera for auto alignment. I'm guessing this is the feature you need regarding your disability, but if not the SLT or Skywatcher mounts will be similar for 150-225GBP. They are light weight and the tripods as a bit flimsy, but the joints can be tightened up and used at half height which makes them quite stable. The SLT is a standard dovetail, so hopefully they will be too. I also modified the friction pads of the SLT to make it smoother. I usually use my SLT with just a camera. With a 3kg frac and DSLR it gets a bit wobbly. I believe the 130 reflector alone is 3.6kg.

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