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Best scope for £150

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Hey guys

I bought a skymax 90 about 3 months ago which I really like. Was a tad disappointed when I finally found Saturn with a 8mm eyepice. It was very small. I know this is the limit of the scope. Can any one recomend a good scope for about £150

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It has to be this one.


A little over budget but that's always the way! I wouldn't move up till you can run to this one or the 8 inch version.


Thanks just don't have that money just now

150 is my max

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2

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It think it's going to be very difficult to get a significant improvement over the Skymax 90 for that budget to be honest. I'd get saving and try and double your budget. That will give you enough to get an 8" dobsonain which will be a big step forward.

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For planetry work you are really looking for a scope with a long(ish) focal length or a scope that will allow the use of a Barlow to effectivly double (or triple) the actual focal length (same difference really). The longer the focal length the larger the planet's image will appear at prime focus - so the larger you will see it in the eyepiece. Aparture plays a part as well - larger means better resolution (the ability to make out finer details). Light gathering ability is not so important as the planets (and Moon) are quite bright objects.

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I would agree with those that have suggested saving a bit more. You already have a scope, and as the stars aren't going anywhere there isn't any need to rush into upgrading right now. It's not that the other suggested scopes aren't any good, but in the longer term, saving a bit extra will take you so much more forward in what you can resolve and that is what will satisfy your expectations in the longer term. In real terms it's also the cheaper option than incremental upgrading.


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The explorer 130/900 has a shorter focal length than your current Skymax (1250mm) and will produce smaller images of the planets (with equivalent eyepieces).

If you buy a 2x Barlow lens and use that with the Skymax you will get a larger image. The downside is that your mount (I assume an EQ1 or EQ2) will hardly be up to the job of holding your scope steady at these sort of magnifications.

I would suggest saving a little more and then getting a scope that really will be a good step up for you and will provide some real "wow" moments!

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If you rush out and buy a scope, which is what it looks to me like you are going to do, then you will only end up asking the same questions a couple of weeks later only with less money in your pocket.

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I would agree with those that have suggested saving a bit more. You already have a scope, and as the stars aren't going anywhere there isn't any need to rush into upgrading right now. It's not that the other suggested scopes aren't any good, but in the longer term, saving a bit extra will take you so much more forward in what you can resolve and that is what will satisfy your expectations in the longer term. In real terms it's also the cheaper option than incremental upgrading.


I know . I have decided on the SW 150 dob

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2

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I know . I have decided on the SW 150 dob

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2

I have the 150P and Saturn is the size of a large pea in the 10mm EP supplied (120x Magnification). The scope will cope with a 2x barlow to increase this to 240x but it's still not going to look like images sent back by the Cassini-Huygens probe.

You need to be careful with your expectations or you will spend your hard earned on equipment that, whilst working properly, still leaves you disappointed.

Having said that, the 150P Dob is still a great scope and I am delighted with mine.



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How about a TAL 2M. 6" Mirror, F6, outstanding finder and a bullet proof mount. A bit on the heavy side but a great scope and you can pick them up for a reasonable price - I found one last year for under £100.

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I would suggest (if you want to spend a bit now, and you want a better view of planets) that you try a 6mm EP in your scope. I use a 6mm all the time in my 100mm mak. I use TS Planetary HR eyepieces and they give a very comfortable enjoyable viewing experience. I think this EP would give good results on the Moon, Mars (in two years time :-)) and Saturn, and it will also be usable some nights on Jupiter (Jupiter doesn't take higher mags so well).

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