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Barr & Stroud Savannah ED 8x56

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Just taken delivery of a pair of the above courtesy of FLO's clearance thread and have to say that first impressions are very good.

The first thing that struck me was the weight! I was supprised just how heavy they are, and slightly concerned at how they would be to hold. I needn't have worried, they fit in the hands perfectly and the weight actually seems to stabilise them.

I didn't buy these specifically for astro use which means even though it's chucking it down, I still get to play with my new toy!

They are very easy to bring to a perfect focus and the movement is super smooth. They are 'easy to look through', sounds daft I know, but they are comfortable and just 'fit right'. Images are almost perfect, bright and fringe free.

Good quality straps and a semi-hard case are supplied along with a copy of 'exploring the night sky with binoculars' (thanks FLO!).

All in all I'm well chuffed with them and cant wait to use them in anger.


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I have the Hawke equivalents - The Prostalk ED 8x56.. and find them superb... when used in dense woodland when your adjusting the focus targets just seem to pop out at you...

I dont know if they share the same semi hard case but have a good look at the strap fixings the rivet on one side of mine popped apart luckily the other side held and the bins and case didnt head for the deck...

I also used a few thin strips of double sided tape to stop the front covers sliding of the bins when they aren't on the lenses...


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