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The Sun this weekend form Essex


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Good morning, thought i'd share my images from this weeks good weather.

1st image was taken using the Neximage + 2.5x Barlow

The 2nd image was taken using t-mounted Canon EOS 300D

The 2nd image is a result of 2 images, the 1st being an over exposed image of the sun creating cloud illumination, and then a correctly exposed image over the top.

There does appear to be repeating markings, i think there must be dust in my optics?




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I always use a white light filter (im far to poor to brake my stuff)

the cloud pic was really an accident, i was experimenting with the exposure and magic'd up a nice shot of the clouds and it wasnt till i was back indoors i realized i could mock up a nice complete image

Very pleased with it... :)

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