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PST Stage 1 mod. test

Andy Dodson

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Hi all,

I recently got the PST mod instructions fm Ken and did the stage 1 mod. I put the black box on a home made 63/840 OTA scope as that one 'telescopes' and was a very convenient testing OTA and required no modification to tube length etc. I tried it out recently visually and although the aperture is only increased to 63mm (more aperture planned) the improvements were significant. I could see spicules with it for the first time. 40mm just hadn't been enough for those before.

Of course making the adapter to connect the black box to the 2" d/t brought on the change of the 'golden weather' that we've been experiencing this autumn (I'm in NZ, though in defference to SGL I should maybe mention that a long long time ago I came from a sml place nr Huddersfield). Anyway the sun came out briefly just before 4pm on Mon and although the sun was at an alt of a miserable 15° or so, I thought I'd try a few pics of AR '1471 & '1476. Considering how much atmosphere I was looking through, the seeing wasn't too bad at all and encouraged by that I put a 2.5x Powermate on and refocussed on '1476. While focussing, a M class flare erupted. Putting on the barlow was clearly tempting the sun gods too much and the clouds promptly put an end to the session. In fact it's amazing that the stacking s/w could keep the sunspot as the target, as it was just about invisible at times during the avi. (a modified monochrome ToUcam was used)

Stage 2 will be next. I already have a BF10 as I've owned a SM40 filter for years. The gold tube of the PST didn't part without a fight and Loctite had obviously been used 'liberally' during construction, and that seems to be the same with the etalon housing to black box connection, as it's not moving despite putting the black box in a padded jaws vice, removing the 2 O rings that stand slightly proud on the etalon housing once the rotating tuning barrel has been removed and a rubber 'Boa Constrictor' strap wrench used on the etalon housing. I think I'll have to make up a C spanner that will hook into the etalon housing slot (but not too deep to touch the indexing threaded holes of the inner housing)








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Well done!

Good catch with the flare!

Looks like another successful PST mod!

Believe me when I say it only gets better when you go for the Stage two mod.

Keep the images coming.

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the only problem I've found with the Stage 2 mod is that it still doesn't see through cloud ;-)

I've tried playing with the "majic" number but nothing seems to work.....

Onwards and Upwards

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the only problem I've found with the Stage 2 mod is that it still doesn't see through cloud ;-)

I've tried playing with the "majic" number but nothing seems to work.....

Onwards and Upwards

I didn't image the sun once in April :clouds2: hopefully the weather will improve lol

Sent from my phone thingie using my fingers

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Thanks everyone. Yes, stage 2 is next on the agenda, plus more aperture of course! And Yes Kev, I heard some UK reporter on the radio this AM going on about it being the wettest April for 100 years or something. Unfortunately Ken is right it doesn't seem to penetrate cloud yet and the cloud/rain curse has now struck here as well.



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