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Is the ED80 Pro from SkyWatcher a good choice for visual and imaging purposes?

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All I can say is I'm still feeling gutted that I missed out on an Orion ED80 on Astrobuy yestarday, It was only 100 pounds!! I immediately offered 150 but still lost out:( ;) Gutted..

Yes they are very good for widefield imaging especially with the reducer/flattener:)

I'm sure Celestron must do a similar model but it might be a bit more money?

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I have one coming, Orion, Celestron and Skywatcher each have there own take on this scope, same thing in different liveries.

It appears to be a "standard" for Imaging, ill comment when mine lands ;)

Regarding visual probably good for that too, ill probably not look through mine other than to align the guidescope and finder.

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I'm sure it's a lovely scope for imaging but, having owned a couple of them (in the Orion and Skywatcher liveries) I found that 80mm was just not enough aperture for satisfying visual observing, for me. 102mm is my smallest aperture now.

Optically the ED80's I had were both great for their cost though and showed no false colour to my eyes.

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What do you want to image? Deep sky, Planetary or Lunar? If it's a mixture of all 3 with the addition of visual observing my vote would be for a 200P/DS.

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Definitely great for imaging with, although John may be right as far visual goes in that you might be happier with a slightly larger aperture.

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk, so please excuse the speeling and granma! ;)

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